no bingo
No cigars:
Now back to the football game.
Final card, one bingo:
final card
I needed more funny
Final card, no bingo.
Never any doubt.
Both score and GWG in thread
Cathy wrote:"Two…coyotes" ??
"Two…coyotes" ??
on a walk the other day I saw two of them together out here in the wilds
tjlincoln wrote:Dangit hit the net and let’s get an empty net goal
Dangit hit the net and let’s get an empty net goal
Lost lid.
Also, bingo!
Lost lids!
I have none of these squares!
goalie, pulled
Goalie pulled
Homer wrote:Methot thinks Chuckie will do something this game.
Methot thinks Chuckie will do something this game.
Good call Meth, good call.