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Topic: Game 58 - Sens @ Habs - Sat Feb 25, 7:00pm

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RE: Game 58 - Sens @ Habs - Sat Feb 25, 7:00pm

 i think I heard a London Robert. 

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Okay Russell, was that your fault or my fault? 'Cause we should do it again.

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Russell wrote:

It’s hard to believe people think this team can still make the playoffs.

 Math is free from emotion. And sometimes reality.

I think you need more than one shot every 5 minutes to make the playoffs, but I'm no expert.

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It’s hard to believe people think this team can still make the playoffs.

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data_sprite12 wrote:
Russell wrote:

2 on 1 . What a ****ing mess. 

 What is a dab that I don't have, Russell.

 I have it, but it's making an interesting Rorschach instead of a straight line.

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tjlincoln wrote:
Russell wrote:

I heard today that parts of Los Angeles and ventura counties may get up to 8’ of snow! 8!   8! 

 It’s in the mountains 🏔️ and foothills down to 2000 feet around LA

Santiago Peak in OC supposed to get 30". What will be really impressive is if the Santa Anas **don't** kick up in the next week. The last few years anytime there was a nice covering of snow int he local mountains, the Santa Anas would kick up right after and melt everything.

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Russell wrote:

2 on 1 . What a ****ing mess. 

 What is a dab that I don't have, Russell.

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2 on 1 . What a ****ing mess. 

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Damn it, commercial.

Confident Fan
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Russell wrote:
Cathy wrote:
data_sprite12 wrote:
Cathy wrote:

Cathy has another winter question…does walking on re-frozen slush (so stiff, uneven peaks rather than fluffy snow) make your ankles hurt like hell? It *feels* no different than hiking but the last two days my ankles feel like I'm recovery from broken bones.


Also, I think my snow is worse that your snow. Your snow generally stays frozen, yeah? evileye

Ice is the devil's creation.

Definitely a tripping hazard.  I find that heavier winter boots tend to have better ankle support.  

We get freeze-thaw cycles for sure (especially this year).  The worse is going from giant melted water puddles to -20 C via a windy cold front -- on paper recycling day.  You end up with an obstacle course of egg cartons and cardboards embedded in the sidewalks until the spring.


Yeah, I was wearing low-tops the last two days, the snow was shallow enough (and it turns out walking int he snow is a GREAT way to clean my dog park shoes; one day in the snow is cleaner that a scrub brush and soap!). It wasn't really rough enough to be a tripping hazard, but it certainly didn't feel like I was getting an ankle workout *while* I was walking.

My friends couldn't understand why I skipped dog park this morning because "the streets are fine!" Sure, the streets are, but I have a 6-ft stripe of 1" ice in front of my garage and 3" ice bumps in the parking lot. *Getting* to the street is the problem! 

Lol at the egg carton minefield.

Our ice doesn't stick around that long.

I heard today that parts of Los Angeles and ventura counties may get up to 8’ of snow! 8!   8! 

 It’s in the mountains 🏔️ and foothills down to 2000 feet around LA

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Remember, half this mtl team are ahl players. 

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Holy. Shot. Count. Batman.

(completely different tone from last night)

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Russell wrote:
Cathy wrote:
data_sprite12 wrote:
Cathy wrote:

Cathy has another winter question…does walking on re-frozen slush (so stiff, uneven peaks rather than fluffy snow) make your ankles hurt like hell? It *feels* no different than hiking but the last two days my ankles feel like I'm recovery from broken bones.


Also, I think my snow is worse that your snow. Your snow generally stays frozen, yeah? evileye

Ice is the devil's creation.

Definitely a tripping hazard.  I find that heavier winter boots tend to have better ankle support.  

We get freeze-thaw cycles for sure (especially this year).  The worse is going from giant melted water puddles to -20 C via a windy cold front -- on paper recycling day.  You end up with an obstacle course of egg cartons and cardboards embedded in the sidewalks until the spring.


Yeah, I was wearing low-tops the last two days, the snow was shallow enough (and it turns out walking int he snow is a GREAT way to clean my dog park shoes; one day in the snow is cleaner that a scrub brush and soap!). It wasn't really rough enough to be a tripping hazard, but it certainly didn't feel like I was getting an ankle workout *while* I was walking.

My friends couldn't understand why I skipped dog park this morning because "the streets are fine!" Sure, the streets are, but I have a 6-ft stripe of 1" ice in front of my garage and 3" ice bumps in the parking lot. *Getting* to the street is the problem! 

Lol at the egg carton minefield.

Our ice doesn't stick around that long.

I heard today that parts of Los Angeles and ventura counties may get up to 8’ of snow! 8!   8! 

 8 feet is even crazier than 8 inches 😁

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Russell wrote:
Cathy wrote:
data_sprite12 wrote:
Cathy wrote:

Cathy has another winter question…does walking on re-frozen slush (so stiff, uneven peaks rather than fluffy snow) make your ankles hurt like hell? It *feels* no different than hiking but the last two days my ankles feel like I'm recovery from broken bones.


Also, I think my snow is worse that your snow. Your snow generally stays frozen, yeah? evileye

Ice is the devil's creation.

Definitely a tripping hazard.  I find that heavier winter boots tend to have better ankle support.  

We get freeze-thaw cycles for sure (especially this year).  The worse is going from giant melted water puddles to -20 C via a windy cold front -- on paper recycling day.  You end up with an obstacle course of egg cartons and cardboards embedded in the sidewalks until the spring.


Yeah, I was wearing low-tops the last two days, the snow was shallow enough (and it turns out walking int he snow is a GREAT way to clean my dog park shoes; one day in the snow is cleaner that a scrub brush and soap!). It wasn't really rough enough to be a tripping hazard, but it certainly didn't feel like I was getting an ankle workout *while* I was walking.

My friends couldn't understand why I skipped dog park this morning because "the streets are fine!" Sure, the streets are, but I have a 6-ft stripe of 1" ice in front of my garage and 3" ice bumps in the parking lot. *Getting* to the street is the problem! 

Lol at the egg carton minefield.

Our ice doesn't stick around that long.

I heard today that parts of Los Angeles and ventura counties may get up to 8’ of snow! 8!   8! 

 The *counties* are big, and have some proper mountains in them so it's not completely crazy. Apparently there's snow around the Hollywood sign though. At least two different freeways in OC were completely flooded in sections. ***That*** is a lot of water. It's not uncommon to get some flooding in certain lanes with heavy storms but the freeways don't close for rain. So there's definitely a metric crap-ton of precipitation in this storm.

And, since it's apparently a competition, we have 3 more snow storms forecasted between now and Tuesday. Went grocery shopping and filled up the gas tank today in the brief thawed window. 

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Breakaway MTL on a terrible OTT giveaway.


The horrendous passing is giving me flashbacks of the game against Chicago.

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Breakaway. Idiots. 

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What a ****ing awful poweplay.

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My feed self destructs at every commercial break…I don't get it.

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I'm sorry, but I just don’t see how inundating a generation with gambling propaganda ends well. 

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Cathy wrote:
data_sprite12 wrote:
Cathy wrote:

Cathy has another winter question…does walking on re-frozen slush (so stiff, uneven peaks rather than fluffy snow) make your ankles hurt like hell? It *feels* no different than hiking but the last two days my ankles feel like I'm recovery from broken bones.


Also, I think my snow is worse that your snow. Your snow generally stays frozen, yeah? evileye

Ice is the devil's creation.

Definitely a tripping hazard.  I find that heavier winter boots tend to have better ankle support.  

We get freeze-thaw cycles for sure (especially this year).  The worse is going from giant melted water puddles to -20 C via a windy cold front -- on paper recycling day.  You end up with an obstacle course of egg cartons and cardboards embedded in the sidewalks until the spring.


Yeah, I was wearing low-tops the last two days, the snow was shallow enough (and it turns out walking int he snow is a GREAT way to clean my dog park shoes; one day in the snow is cleaner that a scrub brush and soap!). It wasn't really rough enough to be a tripping hazard, but it certainly didn't feel like I was getting an ankle workout *while* I was walking.

My friends couldn't understand why I skipped dog park this morning because "the streets are fine!" Sure, the streets are, but I have a 6-ft stripe of 1" ice in front of my garage and 3" ice bumps in the parking lot. *Getting* to the street is the problem! 

Lol at the egg carton minefield.

Our ice doesn't stick around that long.

I heard today that parts of Los Angeles and ventura counties may get up to 8’ of snow! 8!   8! 

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