Takes a look at the shot clock with a couple minutes left in the 1st.
Guess which square I don't have
Russell wrote:Homer wrote:Kardinal said they're recording before the game tonight. Are they at the game and recording at the game? I think they did that once last year. They recorded this afternoon with tva and were going to the game after.
Homer wrote:Kardinal said they're recording before the game tonight. Are they at the game and recording at the game? I think they did that once last year.
Kardinal said they're recording before the game tonight. Are they at the game and recording at the game? I think they did that once last year.
They recorded this afternoon with tva and were going to the game after.
Let's keep an ear out for a faint shout of "DO SOMETHING!!" From the crowd!
SensKat wrote:And now Hainsey is leaving the bench. Good times.
And now Hainsey is leaving the bench. Good times.
Get Methot on the phone!
Great pad save by hog balls.
SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Preds score first I have the Sens score 1st square. Yay me yep, me too. And I don't even have the backup goalie square.
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Preds score first I have the Sens score 1st square. Yay me
SensKat wrote:Preds score first
Preds score first
I have the Sens score 1st square. Yay me
yep, me too. And I don't even have the backup goalie square.
I find the Senators are imitating pylons in their own zone tonight.
Russell wrote:SensKat wrote:OMG. Andy loses a tooth at practice today. That's gotta suck! It was chuckie who hit him. Now Andy hates him too. imagine losing a tooth and laughing about it with everyone? I’d be in a pity party for about a decade.
SensKat wrote:OMG. Andy loses a tooth at practice today. That's gotta suck!
OMG. Andy loses a tooth at practice today. That's gotta suck!
It was chuckie who hit him. Now Andy hates him too.
imagine losing a tooth and laughing about it with everyone? I’d be in a pity party for about a decade.
Wait til he finds out Meldink cancelled their dental insurance.
And he just spat it out on the ice. Goalies be crazy.
lolz, Turris wearing at Borocop t-shirt.
Evening Sam
Homer wrote:Kat, frigid temps in Ottawa today so they were flooding the canal. That means Beavertails season is upon us. Although Sun, Mon and Tue temps will get up to about 2 degrees.
Kat, frigid temps in Ottawa today so they were flooding the canal. That means Beavertails season is upon us.
Although Sun, Mon and Tue temps will get up to about 2 degrees.
You'll have to open up the Beavertail square soon!
SensKat wrote:I'm having a hard time staying awake... they need to do something interesting
I'm having a hard time staying awake... they need to do something interesting
Nothing to dab since the the Preds started their backup.
tjlincoln wrote:It’s Country Nite!!! Weeeee Doggies
It’s Country Nite!!! Weeeee Doggies