Russell wrote:Cbinc wrote:pineapple, stuffed with ribs...wrapped in bacon....YES THIS IS NEWSWORTHY Sweet Jesus and Mary!
Cbinc wrote:pineapple, stuffed with ribs...wrapped in bacon....YES THIS IS NEWSWORTHY
pineapple, stuffed with ribs...wrapped in bacon....YES THIS IS NEWSWORTHY
Sweet Jesus and Mary!
My chest hurts.
Russell wrote:Cbinc wrote:Need some extra energy for that soccer game you are about to go to? Feel the desire to stop and get some bacon before the game??? who in the hell goes to a soccer game?
Cbinc wrote:Need some extra energy for that soccer game you are about to go to? Feel the desire to stop and get some bacon before the game???
Need some extra energy for that soccer game you are about to go to? Feel the desire to stop and get some bacon before the game???
who in the hell goes to a soccer game?
Habs players to learn all the latest diving techniques.
because its the Cup.
Lets see the Hamburglar steal this one today!
tjlincoln wrote:Russell wrote:Damn! I'd still order a side of bacon with that
Russell wrote:Damn!
I'd still order a side of bacon with that
Cbinc wrote:Now then... who knows where this one is???
Now then... who knows where this one is???
That's on Spadina, just north of Queen St W if I'm not mistaken. They also have a "food truck" location.
Ah knows mah bacons!
Cbinc wrote:Now then... who knows where this one is??? (Take that Ottawa local reference!)
(Take that Ottawa local reference!)
Don't know but on my way.
Kardinal wrote:It is on O'Connor, between Gloucester and Nepean (ie/ 1 block south of L'Esplanade Laurier). I used to be a gas station (a Shell, I think).
It is on O'Connor, between Gloucester and Nepean (ie/ 1 block south of L'Esplanade Laurier). I used to be a gas station (a Shell, I think).
excellent! extra grease!
could be a good excuse for a SCU get -together.
In Ottawa? How can I not of heard of this before?
Cbinc wrote:Anyone know where this is??
Anyone know where this is??
downtown I believe. kent street? kardinal, you know this place, right?