I'm sorry I didn't get a picture to share, but Sunday morning I cooked 2 lbs of bacon on a bbq while looking out at a lake with no other cabins on it. The view improved an already stellar meat product.
So Russia has banned our bacon. This will be a hardship for many Canadian pork producers. It is time for all good Canadians to step up and help our farmers. We all need to eat more bacon. I know this is a terrible hardship but sometimes you just have to make these sacrifices for the good of the country. EAT UP!
-- Edited by senior on Monday 11th of August 2014 10:23:22 AM
If there was only some way to combine bacon with alcohol..
What, you've never used a piece of well-cooked bacon as the stir stick in your Caesar? Or had a Hogsback Brewing bacon-infused oatmeal stout Aporkalypse Now (seasonal offering only, unfortunately)?
I'd probably be interested in trying this if Mott's Clamato wasn't so loaded with MSG. It's very odd to check the ingredients of the 'generic' clamato beverages to find they don't have MSG at all.
Solid, Russell, very solid. Subtle, semi-obscure, well-played.
......and I don't think I could ever be patient enough to create a masterpiece in bacon, other than in the form of a bacon sandwich or a bacon explosion.