After all those great saves, that was a little stinky.
Russell wrote:Aaron ekblad has been suspended 20 games for pe drugs.
Aaron ekblad has been suspended 20 games for pe drugs.
Good thing is was only drugs and not something really serious like gambling.
I just noticed the shot total. They gotta get skating. Ullmark can’t do much more.
These refs are awful tonight
Cathy wrote:Lol, sounded like the ref was laughing through the whistleReturn of Bobby
Lol, sounded like the ref was laughing through the whistle
Return of Bobby
Many, many bobbies!
Russell wrote:data_sprite12 wrote:Russell wrote:That was a crazy save. Those were several crazy saves! He’s in da zone!
data_sprite12 wrote:Russell wrote:That was a crazy save. Those were several crazy saves!
Russell wrote:That was a crazy save.
That was a crazy save.
Those were several crazy saves!
He’s in da zone!
I'm a bit snarky today (terrible work day) so I'm like…yeah, that's what I expect for $8 million!
Russell wrote:I think that was a 2 on 1 with an amazing d play
I think that was a 2 on 1 with an amazing d play
Since NO ONE decided to apply the brakes, that replay looked lucky that no one rang themselves off the post.
Russell wrote:Cathy wrote:data_sprite12 wrote:Cathy wrote:So do you guys have a new PM? The headlines are ambiguous on whether it's a new PM or just a nominee. Once he's sworn in a couple of days from now he'll be the actual PM. Everyone excepts he'll trigger an election soon after that.So new PM (selected, not elected) and assumed pending election could bring yet another PM? I think I understand why the headlines were ambiguous.When that's not the system you grow up with…that sounds SO crazy. lol compared to what's happening there?
Cathy wrote:data_sprite12 wrote:Cathy wrote:So do you guys have a new PM? The headlines are ambiguous on whether it's a new PM or just a nominee. Once he's sworn in a couple of days from now he'll be the actual PM. Everyone excepts he'll trigger an election soon after that.So new PM (selected, not elected) and assumed pending election could bring yet another PM? I think I understand why the headlines were ambiguous.When that's not the system you grow up with…that sounds SO crazy. lol
data_sprite12 wrote:Cathy wrote:So do you guys have a new PM? The headlines are ambiguous on whether it's a new PM or just a nominee. Once he's sworn in a couple of days from now he'll be the actual PM. Everyone excepts he'll trigger an election soon after that.
Cathy wrote:So do you guys have a new PM? The headlines are ambiguous on whether it's a new PM or just a nominee.
So do you guys have a new PM? The headlines are ambiguous on whether it's a new PM or just a nominee.
Once he's sworn in a couple of days from now he'll be the actual PM. Everyone excepts he'll trigger an election soon after that.
So new PM (selected, not elected) and assumed pending election could bring yet another PM? I think I understand why the headlines were ambiguous.
When that's not the system you grow up with…that sounds SO crazy. lol
compared to what's happening there?
I'm distinguishing between the *system* and the idiots inside it. The parliamentary system is just…foreign, for lack of a better word.
Refs suck!
Cathy wrote:Wait, did he say former team?
Wait, did he say former team?
simultaneous new guy/former guy
That's what I heard too.
Cathy wrote:Oh, and def a London Bobby heading to commercial
Oh, and def a London Bobby heading to commercial
Yay, bingo!