I'm sorry, the number of Americans enthusiastically cheering the SSB is actually very disturbing. I mean, I know I keep saying that this is what 2/3 of the country wanted but it is baffling to see it live.
Homer: 4-2 Sens, Stutzle with the winner. (I'm making an ASSumption!)
Cathy: TBD
I will allow this pick...
I had to do some heavy data analysis to calculate what Homer would have picked, lots of nested excel formulas!
lol, You could have saved you some time and ask ChatGPT.
I'm losing track of what day of week it is with my mom still in the hospital. We have a family member with her 24/7 as she has dementia and gets very agitated at times trying to get out of bed. The nurses wouldn't be able to care for her with their workload.
I'm glad to hear that it's only because you lost track of time.
To be fair, the games are all on weird days and weird times this week!