Whoops, forgot the alarm meant "stop watching Stargate because the game's back on".
Bright side, I have TSN now.
Movie, SG1 or Atlantis?
Nice! SG1
Comet airs 5 eps each morning, watched a couple yesterday, and got sucked into "pulling out the DVDs" (actually the digital files but that's not as succinct).
I like RDA's version of Jack O'Neill. I saw an interview where he said he wanted to give him a sarcastic funny side vs Kurt Russell's sodier O'Neill.
Same. The reason Atlantis isn't as rewatchable for me is it's a bit more serious. If it wasn't "O'Neill, TWO Ls…the other one has no sense of humor at all" the show would not have been nearly as good.
Ah, ****. I missed Norris was out, burned a GWG.
I didn't like Stargate Universe. It was even more serious. They kind of tried to make it BSG like, but failed.
the grandson wanted to try this old boxing game I have on an old sega dreamcast system. So i blow the dust off it, fire it up. He says " take it easy on me ok?:" I beat him the first game. after that, he beat me mercilessly and repeatedly. No matter how hard i tried, i couldn't beat the little bugger.
the grandson wanted to try this old boxing game I have on an old sega dreamcast system. So i blow the dust off it, fire it up. He says " take it easy on me ok?:" I beat him the first game. after that, he beat me mercilessly and repeatedly. No matter how hard i tried, i couldn't beat the little bugger.
the grandson wanted to try this old boxing game I have on an old sega dreamcast system. So i blow the dust off it, fire it up. He says " take it easy on me ok?:" I beat him the first game. after that, he beat me mercilessly and repeatedly. No matter how hard i tried, i couldn't beat the little bugger.
Whoops, forgot the alarm meant "stop watching Stargate because the game's back on".
Bright side, I have TSN now.
Movie, SG1 or Atlantis?
Nice! SG1
Comet airs 5 eps each morning, watched a couple yesterday, and got sucked into "pulling out the DVDs" (actually the digital files but that's not as succinct).
I like RDA's version of Jack O'Neill. I saw an interview where he said he wanted to give him a sarcastic funny side vs Kurt Russell's sodier O'Neill.
Same. The reason Atlantis isn't as rewatchable for me is it's a bit more serious. If it wasn't "O'Neill, TWO Ls…the other one has no sense of humor at all" the show would not have been nearly as good.
Ah, ****. I missed Norris was out, burned a GWG.
I didn't like Stargate Universe. It was even more serious. They kind of tried to make it BSG like, but failed.
Yeah. The hit on Chabot kinda sucked, through no fault of anyone except gravity and whatever Chabot tripped over, so I feel with retaliation was a teeny bit warranted. But still super dumb.
Whoops, forgot the alarm meant "stop watching Stargate because the game's back on".
Bright side, I have TSN now.
Movie, SG1 or Atlantis?
Nice! SG1
Comet airs 5 eps each morning, watched a couple yesterday, and got sucked into "pulling out the DVDs" (actually the digital files but that's not as succinct).
I like RDA's version of Jack O'Neill. I saw an interview where he said he wanted to give him a sarcastic funny side vs Kurt Russell's sodier O'Neill.
Same. The reason Atlantis isn't as rewatchable for me is it's a bit more serious. If it wasn't "O'Neill, TWO Ls…the other one has no sense of humor at all" the show would not have been nearly as good.
Whoops, forgot the alarm meant "stop watching Stargate because the game's back on".
Bright side, I have TSN now.
Movie, SG1 or Atlantis?
Nice! SG1
Comet airs 5 eps each morning, watched a couple yesterday, and got sucked into "pulling out the DVDs" (actually the digital files but that's not as succinct).
I like RDA's version of Jack O'Neill. I saw an interview where he said he wanted to give him a sarcastic funny side vs Kurt Russell's sodier O'Neill.