I’m back and stuffed
deviant new guy
play under review
Russell wrote:I gotta go pick up Chinese food. It’s right around the corner from Shanghai's. I might miss the first.
I gotta go pick up Chinese food. It’s right around the corner from Shanghai's. I might miss the first.
Fat Chinese food bastard!
I was watching football. Forgot it was a 7:00 game.
tjlincoln wrote:Senior!! You watching this NFL game?
Senior!! You watching this NFL game?
NFL plays on Saturday?
tjlincoln wrote:Cathy wrote:tjlincoln wrote:Russell wrote:I Cathy wrote:Russell wrote:Is it normal for you folks to have tornados in dec? Is "you folks" anyone residing in the ~4m square miles of the United States? Nothing is abnormal anymore. Just less common and more common. Yeah, I wanted to narrow it down a bit. Where was the tornado at Houston made headlines, but also MS and LA, and future warnings for OH valley You explained it well above to Russell about the abnormal being normal now. But, I don’t ever remember tornadoes this late.
Cathy wrote:tjlincoln wrote:Russell wrote:I Cathy wrote:Russell wrote:Is it normal for you folks to have tornados in dec? Is "you folks" anyone residing in the ~4m square miles of the United States? Nothing is abnormal anymore. Just less common and more common. Yeah, I wanted to narrow it down a bit. Where was the tornado at Houston made headlines, but also MS and LA, and future warnings for OH valley
tjlincoln wrote:Russell wrote:I Cathy wrote:Russell wrote:Is it normal for you folks to have tornados in dec? Is "you folks" anyone residing in the ~4m square miles of the United States? Nothing is abnormal anymore. Just less common and more common. Yeah, I wanted to narrow it down a bit. Where was the tornado at
Russell wrote:I Cathy wrote:Russell wrote:Is it normal for you folks to have tornados in dec? Is "you folks" anyone residing in the ~4m square miles of the United States? Nothing is abnormal anymore. Just less common and more common. Yeah, I wanted to narrow it down a bit.
I Cathy wrote:Russell wrote:Is it normal for you folks to have tornados in dec? Is "you folks" anyone residing in the ~4m square miles of the United States? Nothing is abnormal anymore. Just less common and more common.
Russell wrote:Is it normal for you folks to have tornados in dec?
Is it normal for you folks to have tornados in dec?
Is "you folks" anyone residing in the ~4m square miles of the United States?
Nothing is abnormal anymore. Just less common and more common.
Yeah, I wanted to narrow it down a bit.
Where was the tornado at
Houston made headlines, but also MS and LA, and future warnings for OH valley
You explained it well above to Russell about the abnormal being normal now. But, I don’t ever remember tornadoes this late.
Definitely not common headlines from our younger years.
Homer wrote:Forgot to post this last week. "20 years from now, tj will say, 'Wait!, the Honda Sentra used to be Nissan?'"
Forgot to post this last week.
"20 years from now, tj will say, 'Wait!, the Honda Sentra used to be Nissan?'"
tjlincoln wrote:Homer wrote:God I can't stand MacLean. Get to the point!!! Stop talking the milk run via Texas to get from New York to New Jersey. lol
Homer wrote:God I can't stand MacLean. Get to the point!!! Stop talking the milk run via Texas to get from New York to New Jersey.
God I can't stand MacLean. Get to the point!!! Stop talking the milk run via Texas to get from New York to New Jersey.
Lol, I missed this.
Homer wrote:London Bobby.My card has no Bobbies, they're all at the world juniors.
London Bobby.
My card has no Bobbies, they're all at the world juniors.
and the return...
Cathy wrote:I have nothing on the goal, nothing.For those of you more fortunate: Sens score 1st, PP, Stuuuuuuuuuuuuutzle
I have nothing on the goal, nothing.
For those of you more fortunate: Sens score 1st, PP, Stuuuuuuuuuuuuutzle
I've got something developing on my card.
Sens score 1st.