Oh FFS, I'm assuming someone in thread gets correct score in a dead dab at this point. lol
Russell wrote:Chuckie!! Do something!
Chuckie!! Do something!
Not what I had in mind.
Cathy wrote:Russell wrote:tjlincoln wrote:That was a brilliant toe drag AYKM worthy, for a d man? I'll accept that conclusion.
Russell wrote:tjlincoln wrote:That was a brilliant toe drag AYKM worthy, for a d man?
tjlincoln wrote:That was a brilliant toe drag
That was a brilliant toe drag
AYKM worthy, for a d man?
I'll accept that conclusion.
Never mind, I have the other one.
Bobby has arrived.
Russell wrote:That’ll do too. The power of the mullet.
That’ll do too.
The power of the mullet.
Are we gonna dab that? Tying up two should count for something, no?
Cathy wrote:Holy Chabot, Batman!!
Holy Chabot, Batman!!
Quite literally an "impact" player.
Cathy wrote:Cathy wrote:{sigh} but not necessary holding that against soggy
Cathy wrote:{sigh}
but not necessary holding that against soggy
Russell wrote:Cathy wrote:A plague on both your houses. 😂
Cathy wrote:A plague on both your houses.
A plague on both your houses.
I'm feeling quotey today.
Tried to find "An I cin't stan 'im" Singin' in the Rain meme for you but couldn't find one I liked.
Is it just me or are the sens passing up good shots looking for cute passes?