Russell wrote:Dubas is on the team Canada mgmt team??? Based on what?
Dubas is on the team Canada mgmt team??? Based on what?
Well, he's Canadian. so that's the easy dab.
They are picking on our sniper
tjlincoln wrote:Russell wrote:Mullet guy reminds me of this guy. Are you sure they’re not the same guy?
Russell wrote:Mullet guy reminds me of this guy.
Mullet guy reminds me of this guy.
Are you sure they’re not the same guy?
I’ve never seen them in the same place at the same time. Just sayin'.
OMG **THAT'S** what they're giving away?! That's adorable!!
Russell wrote:tjlincoln wrote:Russell wrote:Homer wrote:Kopitar has 3 points. He’s no Brian Lee. MUCKLERBless you.
tjlincoln wrote:Russell wrote:Homer wrote:Kopitar has 3 points. He’s no Brian Lee. MUCKLER
Russell wrote:Homer wrote:Kopitar has 3 points. He’s no Brian Lee.
Homer wrote:Kopitar has 3 points.
Kopitar has 3 points.
He’s no Brian Lee.
Bless you.
I will always say, and I said it at the time that if you wanted a defenseman, you had a Staal brother there staring you right in the face and they didn’t take him.
Russell wrote:Homer wrote:Sens did a goalie change too right? It was a injury replacement. Does that count?
Homer wrote:Sens did a goalie change too right?
Sens did a goalie change too right?
It was a injury replacement. Does that count?
ah right we don't count for injuries.
Nope (iirc)
Cathy wrote:To recap/clarify Have the refs sucked?Did Chuckie do enough to be something?
To recap/clarify
Have the refs sucked?
Did Chuckie do enough to be something?
Don’t think so. And Chuckie did the wrong thing.
And, yes, "correct score in thread" is deader than dead.
Oh, we have 3 pt guys on la.
Cathy wrote:Somebody's GOT to be flirting with 3 points, right? I can't decipher the NHL site to save my life.
Somebody's GOT to be flirting with 3 points, right? I can't decipher the NHL site to save my life.
Yes, both Clarke and Kopitar