tjlincoln wrote:5-3 Canes Aho GW they both are on back to backs no telling how this will go
5-3 Canes Aho GW they both are on back to backs no telling how this will go
I got a shot at the score
Russell wrote:Geez. Their brains are shutting off.
Geez. Their brains are shutting off.
{raises hand}
Russell wrote:How does anyone become a canes fan? if you don’t live there.
How does anyone become a canes fan? if you don’t live there.
Maybe former Hartford Whalers fan?
But then how did anyone become a Whalers fan? if you didn’t live there?
People who "decide" to become hockey fans as adults sometimes just pick a team, regardless of geography. I have an internet friend in BOS, got into hockey as an adult, LAK fan.
I'm sure this doesn't exist in Canada. lol
Cathy wrote:My options:Chuckie + lubeEN goal + AYKM saveFight
My options:
Chuckie + lube
EN goal + AYKM save
That’s quite a Sunday night.
Homer wrote:Russell wrote:Homer wrote:Post #2 for Chuckie? Yep, and a lost lid on Grieg Did he check the back of the net?
Russell wrote:Homer wrote:Post #2 for Chuckie? Yep, and a lost lid on Grieg
Homer wrote:Post #2 for Chuckie?
Post #2 for Chuckie?
Yep, and a lost lid on Grieg
Did he check the back of the net?
Hhmmmm, maybe it wasn’t a post, might have been side of net?
Jbd deserved that for that stupid pass.
Cathy wrote:68 more minutes; hockey game, ,
68 more minutes; hockey game, ,
Cathy can't math, 128 minutes. That sounds way worse in my current state.
Homer wrote:Russell wrote:Homer wrote:Cathy wrote: I feel like British curse words are used as terms of endearment as often as they are not Well the C word is used quite liberally, not as a term of endearment.Here’s your intermission entertainment then.https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L-YTKnLMBWE&pp=ygURTWlrZSB3aWxtb3QgY3VudHM%3DNsfw, or anywhere else. Be warnEd But it’s funny as hell. The relevant part starts around 1:50. I never thought that word could be linked to hockey and here we are...
Russell wrote:Homer wrote:Cathy wrote: I feel like British curse words are used as terms of endearment as often as they are not Well the C word is used quite liberally, not as a term of endearment.Here’s your intermission entertainment then.https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L-YTKnLMBWE&pp=ygURTWlrZSB3aWxtb3QgY3VudHM%3DNsfw, or anywhere else. Be warnEd But it’s funny as hell. The relevant part starts around 1:50.
Homer wrote:Cathy wrote: I feel like British curse words are used as terms of endearment as often as they are not Well the C word is used quite liberally, not as a term of endearment.
Cathy wrote: I feel like British curse words are used as terms of endearment as often as they are not
I feel like British curse words are used as terms of endearment as often as they are not
Well the C word is used quite liberally, not as a term of endearment.
Here’s your intermission entertainment then.
Nsfw, or anywhere else. Be warnEd But it’s funny as hell.
The relevant part starts around 1:50.
I never thought that word could be linked to hockey and here we are...
He's not wrong. I would not have been able to articulate the sound before that but he hit it on the nose.
Russell wrote:Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:Russell wrote:Homer wrote:tjlincoln wrote:Heard a guy from England here in Seattle on a sports radio show say that wanker is a curse word in England and they can’t say it on the air. The forums must be using a North American banned naughty word list then. lol I call bbc Alex wanker all the time. He wouldn’t have it any other way. I feel like British curse words are used as terms of endearment as often as they are not Well the C word is used quite liberally, not as a term of endearment.Here’s your intermission entertainment then.https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L-YTKnLMBWE&pp=ygURTWlrZSB3aWxtb3QgY3VudHM%3DNsfw, or anywhere else. Be warnEd But it’s funny as hell. The relevant part starts around 1:50.
Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:Russell wrote:Homer wrote:tjlincoln wrote:Heard a guy from England here in Seattle on a sports radio show say that wanker is a curse word in England and they can’t say it on the air. The forums must be using a North American banned naughty word list then. lol I call bbc Alex wanker all the time. He wouldn’t have it any other way. I feel like British curse words are used as terms of endearment as often as they are not Well the C word is used quite liberally, not as a term of endearment.
Cathy wrote:Russell wrote:Homer wrote:tjlincoln wrote:Heard a guy from England here in Seattle on a sports radio show say that wanker is a curse word in England and they can’t say it on the air. The forums must be using a North American banned naughty word list then. lol I call bbc Alex wanker all the time. He wouldn’t have it any other way. I feel like British curse words are used as terms of endearment as often as they are not
Russell wrote:Homer wrote:tjlincoln wrote:Heard a guy from England here in Seattle on a sports radio show say that wanker is a curse word in England and they can’t say it on the air. The forums must be using a North American banned naughty word list then. lol I call bbc Alex wanker all the time. He wouldn’t have it any other way.
Homer wrote:tjlincoln wrote:Heard a guy from England here in Seattle on a sports radio show say that wanker is a curse word in England and they can’t say it on the air. The forums must be using a North American banned naughty word list then. lol
tjlincoln wrote:Heard a guy from England here in Seattle on a sports radio show say that wanker is a curse word in England and they can’t say it on the air.
Heard a guy from England here in Seattle on a sports radio show say that wanker is a curse word in England and they can’t say it on the air.
The forums must be using a North American banned naughty word list then. lol
I call bbc Alex wanker all the time. He wouldn’t have it any other way.
Cathy wrote:Just gotta be here for the first and last minutes
Just gotta be here for the first and last minutes