Russell wrote:pen in last min.
pen in last min.
been there, done that
Russell wrote:SensKat wrote:ok, the floodgates have apparently opened EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING!
SensKat wrote:ok, the floodgates have apparently opened
ok, the floodgates have apparently opened
ESPN having trouble keeping up
another dumb penalty
i guess that's an AYKM goal now.
Russell wrote:now rangers are up schitt's creek.
now rangers are up schitt's creek.
well…someone is...
or not.
SensKat wrote:and we're tied again
and we're tied again
sound came back in time for the crowd to cheer
SensKat wrote:did we just lose all of the actual game noise?
did we just lose all of the actual game noise?
98% of it, I still heard a very faint arena audio but otherwise, yeah, and that was kinda creepy.
SensKat wrote:ok, my card sucks
ok, my card sucks
It got very very quiet.
deviation and under 90 secs.
Right there with ya, girl.