Russell wrote:Obviously, Motte was the problem.
Obviously, Motte was the problem.
the applesauce was mushy instead of chunky
Russell wrote:AYKM goal?
AYKM goal?
I think we can call it a one-timer as well.
Russell wrote:Cathy wrote:"Losing your cat on the trip…" What?? It will probably show up at my door later.
Cathy wrote:"Losing your cat on the trip…" What??
"Losing your cat on the trip…" What??
It will probably show up at my door later.
That was a beauty passing play.
tjlincoln wrote:Can’t believe I thought the Blues were good enough to score 3 today
Can’t believe I thought the Blues were good enough to score 3 today
Can't believe I thought the Sens were only going to score 4.
Russell wrote:Cathy wrote:If anyone is feeling particularly fisticuffy…proceed. Really?
Cathy wrote:If anyone is feeling particularly fisticuffy…proceed.
If anyone is feeling particularly fisticuffy…proceed.
Really, bingo.
I think Neil must have had a talk with the team after that embarrassing loss on his night.
Enough for London Bobby? It was a little timid.
Russell wrote:was that also a goalie screened goal?
was that also a goalie screened goal?
Not sure, the skaters were offset from the goalie, but Greiss was looking around them also.
Russell wrote:Cathy wrote:if it stands...Deviation, Chuckie, and 3-pts for Chuckie hold that dabber....
Cathy wrote:if it stands...Deviation, Chuckie, and 3-pts for Chuckie
if it stands...
Deviation, Chuckie, and 3-pts for Chuckie
hold that dabber....
you may now release your dabbers