Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:I was gonna ask a question but I have no squares so who cares. You don't have a square to care? ;)
Cathy wrote:I was gonna ask a question but I have no squares so who cares.
I was gonna ask a question but I have no squares so who cares.
You don't have a square to care? ;)
Saving card to change computers: https://www.focusring.ca/bingo/SensBingo.html?board=JbTCIqkMEtrDGimFAHWNnVUX&scored=25629328&tscored=1210020002211101&bname=senior
Chuckie, Giroux and Stone on 3 point watch.
Cathy wrote:This is gonna be a rough night, isn't it?
This is gonna be a rough night, isn't it?
Chabutt - 7:09 ice time in the 2nd.
tjlincoln wrote:That’s their best defense now, challenging goals on the video
That’s their best defense now, challenging goals on the video
I haven't checked the overall quality but at least they're shooting tonight.
SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Giroux with another. At least someone is trying One timer? scoresheet says snap shot. We'll have to check the replay.
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Giroux with another. At least someone is trying One timer?
SensKat wrote:Giroux with another. At least someone is trying
Giroux with another. At least someone is trying
One timer?
scoresheet says snap shot. We'll have to check the replay.
I'd call it a one-timer
Cathy wrote:SensKat wrote:tjlincoln wrote:SensKat wrote:Ugh..... 4-1 Is it that G or the D or is it everything? It's everything again. Nobody is playing well tonight, at all.I was really confused by the "how long until DJ goes" discussion in the other thread. My frame of reference is ANA, OTT is doing spectacularly. Why is it so hard to change the clock?
SensKat wrote:tjlincoln wrote:SensKat wrote:Ugh..... 4-1 Is it that G or the D or is it everything? It's everything again. Nobody is playing well tonight, at all.
tjlincoln wrote:SensKat wrote:Ugh..... 4-1 Is it that G or the D or is it everything?
SensKat wrote:Ugh..... 4-1
Ugh..... 4-1
Is it that G or the D or is it everything?
It's everything again. Nobody is playing well tonight, at all.
I was really confused by the "how long until DJ goes" discussion in the other thread. My frame of reference is ANA, OTT is doing spectacularly.
Why is it so hard to change the clock?
probably our dumbass brother's fault.
Billeting stories are the hockey equivalent of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.
Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:and a shorty puts the score back at 4-1 That was a 2-on-1 break too. I think that's a little generous…but I'll take it!
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:and a shorty puts the score back at 4-1 That was a 2-on-1 break too.
SensKat wrote:and a shorty puts the score back at 4-1
and a shorty puts the score back at 4-1
That was a 2-on-1 break too.
I think that's a little generous…but I'll take it!
Homer wrote:Cathy wrote: Lol, did you quote the wrong post or is that your way of telling us to stay on topic? Oops, replied to wrong post. To get back on track, marzipan sounds like the name for medication or something."Take two marzipans and call me in the morning".Speaking of.. ugh, pass me the marzipan...
Cathy wrote: Lol, did you quote the wrong post or is that your way of telling us to stay on topic?
Lol, did you quote the wrong post or is that your way of telling us to stay on topic?
Oops, replied to wrong post.
To get back on track, marzipan sounds like the name for medication or something.
"Take two marzipans and call me in the morning".
Speaking of.. ugh, pass me the marzipan...
Kinda tastes like it too.
senior wrote:Russell wrote:Homer wrote:Russell wrote:get Trotz on the phone. I have seen enough. they are a ****ing mess. Isn't Trotz the giant head that freaks you out? i'll take one for the team. More likely he ends up in Toronto.
Russell wrote:Homer wrote:Russell wrote:get Trotz on the phone. I have seen enough. they are a ****ing mess. Isn't Trotz the giant head that freaks you out? i'll take one for the team.
Homer wrote:Russell wrote:get Trotz on the phone. I have seen enough. they are a ****ing mess. Isn't Trotz the giant head that freaks you out?
Russell wrote:get Trotz on the phone. I have seen enough. they are a ****ing mess.
get Trotz on the phone. I have seen enough. they are a ****ing mess.
Isn't Trotz the giant head that freaks you out?
i'll take one for the team.
More likely he ends up in Toronto.
which is another good reason to do everything you can to get him now.