tjlincoln wrote:Homer wrote:Kat, want to go halfsies on the the Sens? 850 million is no problem for you guys
Homer wrote:Kat, want to go halfsies on the the Sens?
Kat, want to go halfsies on the the Sens?
850 million is no problem for you guys
Kat sold her house remember!
Cathy wrote:"TBL — First time trailing after 1st period this season" Wow…really?
"TBL — First time trailing after 1st period this season"
That’s why it’s stupid as heck to keep taking stupid penalties
I'm sure the rest of us could chip in something.
Haha, "premature celebration" square would be funny too.
Puppy not happy we didn't get our intermission walk, she's putting her head on the keyboard.
So if I type gibberish, it's probably her and not a stroke.
tjlincoln wrote:Cathy wrote:Ugh, I strongly dislike Maroon LIKE 👍He‘s literally a maroon
Cathy wrote:Ugh, I strongly dislike Maroon
Ugh, I strongly dislike Maroon
He‘s literally a maroon
Didn't like him even when he was a Duck.
Damn, I should take work calls more often. 4 dabs while I was muted.
I agree with "Fight-ish"
SensKat wrote:Sens score 1st
Sens score 1st
That was unexpected, literally distracted me from my call.
Watson hasn't scored yet, so I don't think we've had a shirtless/tattoo interview yet. lol
Unexpected work call, gonna have to catch up during intermission.
Chabot got some LUBE on that one. Should have been a penalty.
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Fight, for some reason and actually logged as a fight. It'd probably be a little too obscure but "wimpy fight" would be a funny square. I vote for Fight-ish This would be a pair of dumb penalties right?
SensKat wrote:Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Fight, for some reason and actually logged as a fight. It'd probably be a little too obscure but "wimpy fight" would be a funny square. I vote for Fight-ish
Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Fight, for some reason and actually logged as a fight. It'd probably be a little too obscure but "wimpy fight" would be a funny square.
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Fight, for some reason and actually logged as a fight.
SensKat wrote:Fight, for some reason
Fight, for some reason
and actually logged as a fight.
It'd probably be a little too obscure but "wimpy fight" would be a funny square.
I vote for Fight-ish
This would be a pair of dumb penalties right?
LMAO. I had forgotten all about that. Definitely dumb penalties, and likely a WHAT?! thrown in for good measure.