Russell wrote:deviation goal.
deviation goal.
Is this comment really far behind or really far ahead?
SensKat wrote:Russell wrote:oooooooffff, what was 72 thinking there? threw it right out in front. "oops, my bad" worthy?
Russell wrote:oooooooffff, what was 72 thinking there? threw it right out in front.
oooooooffff, what was 72 thinking there? threw it right out in front.
"oops, my bad" worthy?
nah, no goal happened, just a dumb giveaway.
Cathy wrote:Russell wrote:Cathy wrote:I don't know if it's age or climate but jumping up during commercial breaks is a lot creakier and stiffer in the joints than I remember last season. i think there are a lot of us close to LTIR.The stiffness hitting the ankles was a big jump. That was the last working joint in the lower body. Old people don't play bingo, playing bingo makes people old!
Russell wrote:Cathy wrote:I don't know if it's age or climate but jumping up during commercial breaks is a lot creakier and stiffer in the joints than I remember last season. i think there are a lot of us close to LTIR.
Cathy wrote:I don't know if it's age or climate but jumping up during commercial breaks is a lot creakier and stiffer in the joints than I remember last season.
I don't know if it's age or climate but jumping up during commercial breaks is a lot creakier and stiffer in the joints than I remember last season.
i think there are a lot of us close to LTIR.
The stiffness hitting the ankles was a big jump. That was the last working joint in the lower body.
Old people don't play bingo, playing bingo makes people old!
so its homer's fault.
as I was venting earlier, playing 22 tonight, instead of holden, while on a 4 game winning overthinking things. don't fix what ain't broke.
SensKat wrote:Russell wrote:SensKat wrote:SensKat wrote:Russell wrote:SensKat wrote:post and in for the Cat.... first goal to the Sens that was post and in? pretty sure. I'll double-check the replay when it's posted the replay video sucks. And they put ADS on the damn replay videos now. wtf. NHL sucks. still pretty sure I heard a ding as that puck was going in, so I vote dab it
Russell wrote:SensKat wrote:SensKat wrote:Russell wrote:SensKat wrote:post and in for the Cat.... first goal to the Sens that was post and in? pretty sure. I'll double-check the replay when it's posted the replay video sucks. And they put ADS on the damn replay videos now. wtf. NHL sucks.
SensKat wrote:SensKat wrote:Russell wrote:SensKat wrote:post and in for the Cat.... first goal to the Sens that was post and in? pretty sure. I'll double-check the replay when it's posted the replay video sucks. And they put ADS on the damn replay videos now. wtf.
SensKat wrote:Russell wrote:SensKat wrote:post and in for the Cat.... first goal to the Sens that was post and in? pretty sure. I'll double-check the replay when it's posted
Russell wrote:SensKat wrote:post and in for the Cat.... first goal to the Sens that was post and in?
SensKat wrote:post and in for the Cat.... first goal to the Sens
post and in for the Cat.... first goal to the Sens
that was post and in?
pretty sure. I'll double-check the replay when it's posted
the replay video sucks.
And they put ADS on the damn replay videos now. wtf.
NHL sucks.
still pretty sure I heard a ding as that puck was going in, so I vote dab it
Pretty sure I heard a ding *and* heard the commentary state as such
Three C/Kats make a right.
that's a pretty crazy stat about fleury. 30 wins short of Roy.
goalie screened.
Goalie screened still a square?