SensKat wrote:Cathy wrote:SensKat wrote:NHL site says it was Norris? Kat, I would like to take a moment and thank you for taking one for the team and running the devil's website on your computer during the games. stupid NHL site
Cathy wrote:SensKat wrote:NHL site says it was Norris? Kat, I would like to take a moment and thank you for taking one for the team and running the devil's website on your computer during the games.
SensKat wrote:NHL site says it was Norris?
NHL site says it was Norris?
Kat, I would like to take a moment and thank you for taking one for the team and running the devil's website on your computer during the games.
stupid NHL site
Sens ring one off the post
Homer wrote:Spezzial-Delivery wrote:I still think of at 11 minutes when they chanted Alfie *wipes tear from eye* Free dab on the 11th square? (B3)
Spezzial-Delivery wrote:I still think of at 11 minutes when they chanted Alfie *wipes tear from eye*
I still think of at 11 minutes when they chanted Alfie *wipes tear from eye*
Free dab on the 11th square? (B3)
New guy G hits the spot 1:04 into the 1st.
Sens score 1st.
My ESPN app is, happily, ahead of the feed.
Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:Have I been saying Chabot's name wrong this whole time? 'cuz I definitely don't saying like Mr. Announcer did. Chabutt? A soft "butt" but yeah that's what it sounded like. (Listening through headphones because the air purifiers are at max power)
Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:Have I been saying Chabot's name wrong this whole time? 'cuz I definitely don't saying like Mr. Announcer did. Chabutt?
Cathy wrote:Have I been saying Chabot's name wrong this whole time? 'cuz I definitely don't saying like Mr. Announcer did.
Have I been saying Chabot's name wrong this whole time? 'cuz I definitely don't saying like Mr. Announcer did.
A soft "butt" but yeah that's what it sounded like. (Listening through headphones because the air purifiers are at max power)
and a silent S on Thomas.
Alfie has retired-man hair.
SensKat wrote:ALFIEEEE!!!
Did we know he was going to be there??