Will I be talking to myself in the 3rd? Y'all tapping out?
I'll probably stick around. Is this a weekend or weekday for you?
Hump day, day 4 of ~7 days straight. I finished the project in question yesterday so I'm switching back to M-F but working straight through to *this* Friday is out of the question. Checking my email Thu am and then clocking out if no fires.
I'm lucky to work for a boss who appreciates this level of effort, rather than just raising his baseline expectations higher and higher, so I can say, "Peace out, back on Monday!"
That's good to hear. I only worked today so far and I'm already tired of this week
Will I be talking to myself in the 3rd? Y'all tapping out?
I'll probably stick around. Is this a weekend or weekday for you?
Hump day, day 4 of ~7 days straight. I finished the project in question yesterday so I'm switching back to M-F but working straight through to *this* Friday is out of the question. Checking my email Thu am and then clocking out if no fires.
I'm lucky to work for a boss who appreciates this level of effort, rather than just raising his baseline expectations higher and higher, so I can say, "Peace out, back on Monday!"
Is it just me or is the crowd weirdly silent. Feels like a bubble game.
It's not helping me stay engaged at all.
Are you watching SN? Switching between the feeds, it seems like the ambient sound is louder on NBC Chicago. For lack of a better description, the SN feed sounds like it's behind a mask...muffled.