Am I losing my mind or did Price have longer hair in the earlier rounds?
And I feel like I've already asked that question so maybe I am losing it.
Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:"oops, my bad" courtesy of Stuntman Stu "dancing the Bhangra" Fulfilling the white-man jump and no rhythm.
Homer wrote:"oops, my bad" courtesy of Stuntman Stu "dancing the Bhangra"
"oops, my bad" courtesy of Stuntman Stu "dancing the Bhangra"
Fulfilling the white-man jump and no rhythm.
now that one is on my "dance" card. lol
me: {chilling}
my phone: {chime}
me: Oh, merde, there's a hockey game tonight
My card
Back in a bit.
My card:
Get your Finals Playoff Bingo card