SensKat wrote:JGP on the PP!
JGP on the PP!
22 Goals and a +9 on a pretty terrible team nets a #1 pick?
i haven't seen an ass hit a guy in the face like that since the days of Yokozuna.
Russell wrote:Agent Orange wrote:Evening folks. Listening in on the TSN app tonight while I work on some reports.I'll play along as best I can for a rare appearance: Card you're just into the gin.
Agent Orange wrote:Evening folks. Listening in on the TSN app tonight while I work on some reports.I'll play along as best I can for a rare appearance: Card
Evening folks. Listening in on the TSN app tonight while I work on some reports.
I'll play along as best I can for a rare appearance: Card
you're just into the gin.
There is a bit of tonic to kill before it goes flat.
SensKat wrote:Russell wrote:damn, I have a Boro square. maybe we should take out his squares until he's back? hmmm, if he's gonna be out for a bit that might be a good idea
Russell wrote:damn, I have a Boro square. maybe we should take out his squares until he's back?
damn, I have a Boro square. maybe we should take out his squares until he's back?
hmmm, if he's gonna be out for a bit that might be a good idea
i think he will be. might be good policy for any player on the cards who's out for any length of time.
Russell wrote:SensKat wrote:Russell wrote:SensKat wrote:Stars are starting their backup. Dab. Hudhabin Wedabbin! I'd rather face any starter in the league over this back up.
SensKat wrote:Russell wrote:SensKat wrote:Stars are starting their backup. Dab. Hudhabin Wedabbin!
Russell wrote:SensKat wrote:Stars are starting their backup. Dab. Hudhabin
SensKat wrote:Stars are starting their backup. Dab.
Stars are starting their backup. Dab.
I'd rather face any starter in the league over this back up.
That guy has been tough on Sens every stop he’s been
SensKat wrote:And the Stars score. Went off Ennis. Deviation?
And the Stars score. Went off Ennis. Deviation?
my card:
Just in time!
Stars 3-1. Heiskenin winner.