Some attempt at defensive play?
SensKat wrote:final game getting started
final game getting started
and 1-0 Atl
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:I'm not a huge fan of this 3 on 3 format twss (senior)
SensKat wrote:I'm not a huge fan of this 3 on 3 format
I'm not a huge fan of this 3 on 3 format
twss (senior)
morgan freeman: “And greenday was never asked to play at a live sporting event again.”
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:Green Day. I know this band. I'm not old anymore. Half the players are probably wondering what the geezer band is doing there though lol, you might be right on that one.lmao "get your effing hands up in the air" lol... they bleeped him this time the "Lets go effing crazy" one? I heard it.
SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:Green Day. I know this band. I'm not old anymore. Half the players are probably wondering what the geezer band is doing there though lol, you might be right on that one.lmao "get your effing hands up in the air" lol... they bleeped him this time
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:Green Day. I know this band. I'm not old anymore. Half the players are probably wondering what the geezer band is doing there though lol, you might be right on that one.lmao "get your effing hands up in the air"
SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:Green Day. I know this band. I'm not old anymore. Half the players are probably wondering what the geezer band is doing there though
Homer wrote:Green Day. I know this band. I'm not old anymore.
Green Day. I know this band. I'm not old anymore.
Half the players are probably wondering what the geezer band is doing there though
lol, you might be right on that one.
lmao "get your effing hands up in the air"
lol... they bleeped him this time
the "Lets go effing crazy" one? I heard it.
no, they cut it out of the second song. It was all the times he just yelled it off script that got through. They needed a time delay!
SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:lol, Brett Hull: "I think someone put flubber on our sticks" Yup I'm old enough to get that one. I actually lol'd and I'm talking about "Absent-Minded Professor", not the Robin Williams remake well duh... One of my favorite Sunday night Disney movies! I miss those "Wonderful World of Disney" Sunday movie nights. It was a great end to the weekend! I was always excited to find out what was playing.
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:lol, Brett Hull: "I think someone put flubber on our sticks" Yup I'm old enough to get that one. I actually lol'd and I'm talking about "Absent-Minded Professor", not the Robin Williams remake well duh... One of my favorite Sunday night Disney movies! I miss those "Wonderful World of Disney" Sunday movie nights.
SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:lol, Brett Hull: "I think someone put flubber on our sticks" Yup I'm old enough to get that one. I actually lol'd and I'm talking about "Absent-Minded Professor", not the Robin Williams remake well duh... One of my favorite Sunday night Disney movies!
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:lol, Brett Hull: "I think someone put flubber on our sticks" Yup I'm old enough to get that one. I actually lol'd and I'm talking about "Absent-Minded Professor", not the Robin Williams remake
SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:lol, Brett Hull: "I think someone put flubber on our sticks" Yup I'm old enough to get that one. I actually lol'd
Homer wrote:lol, Brett Hull: "I think someone put flubber on our sticks" Yup I'm old enough to get that one.
lol, Brett Hull: "I think someone put flubber on our sticks" Yup I'm old enough to get that one.
I actually lol'd
and I'm talking about "Absent-Minded Professor", not the Robin Williams remake
well duh...
One of my favorite Sunday night Disney movies!
I miss those "Wonderful World of Disney" Sunday movie nights.
It was a great end to the weekend! I was always excited to find out what was playing.
lol, same. Get the TV guide from the Saturday news paper and look it up.