What’s 72 s ice Time?
Shots 16-2 Sens in the 3rd. They out shot the habs in all three periods.
Whole habs team has hands of condra.
SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:data_sprite12 wrote:Rookie scores! This is Batherson's first of the year. Has he scored last year? Rookie yes - but he had goals last year *checks Kat's card* never mind. le sigh. lol. I'm going for a new kind of Bingo tonight I thought you might have gotten the timeout one. not so sure anymore. I don't even have the OT or SO squares
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:data_sprite12 wrote:Rookie scores! This is Batherson's first of the year. Has he scored last year? Rookie yes - but he had goals last year *checks Kat's card* never mind. le sigh. lol. I'm going for a new kind of Bingo tonight I thought you might have gotten the timeout one. not so sure anymore.
SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:data_sprite12 wrote:Rookie scores! This is Batherson's first of the year. Has he scored last year? Rookie yes - but he had goals last year *checks Kat's card* never mind. le sigh. lol. I'm going for a new kind of Bingo tonight
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:data_sprite12 wrote:Rookie scores! This is Batherson's first of the year. Has he scored last year? Rookie yes - but he had goals last year *checks Kat's card* never mind. le sigh.
SensKat wrote:data_sprite12 wrote:Rookie scores! This is Batherson's first of the year. Has he scored last year? Rookie yes - but he had goals last year
data_sprite12 wrote:Rookie scores! This is Batherson's first of the year. Has he scored last year?
Rookie scores! This is Batherson's first of the year. Has he scored last year?
Rookie yes - but he had goals last year
*checks Kat's card* never mind. le sigh.
lol. I'm going for a new kind of Bingo tonight
I thought you might have gotten the timeout one. not so sure anymore.
I don't even have the OT or SO squares
Literally Kat right now looking at her Bingo card
Russell wrote:What a canon!
What a canon!
Russell wrote:First or season.slump buster or milestone?
First or season.slump buster or milestone?
1st of season, only 6th game, so not really a slump buster. Scored 3 in 20 least season.
Rookie square dab though.
Highlight goal.
I kinda want to see the Canadiens melt down though...