SensKat wrote:Wow, Nick Paul!
Wow, Nick Paul!
We're winning the Spezza trade again!
SensKat wrote:Spezzial-Delivery wrote:SensKat wrote:Spezzial-Delivery wrote:Did I hear right at the start of the game where BFR is a healthy scratch? Yep. Coach says he's playing the guys who are putting in the effort. I guess you still have to try. Honestly I keep forgetting he's still here. I suspect he's wishing he wasn't....
Spezzial-Delivery wrote:SensKat wrote:Spezzial-Delivery wrote:Did I hear right at the start of the game where BFR is a healthy scratch? Yep. Coach says he's playing the guys who are putting in the effort. I guess you still have to try. Honestly I keep forgetting he's still here.
SensKat wrote:Spezzial-Delivery wrote:Did I hear right at the start of the game where BFR is a healthy scratch? Yep. Coach says he's playing the guys who are putting in the effort.
Spezzial-Delivery wrote:Did I hear right at the start of the game where BFR is a healthy scratch?
Did I hear right at the start of the game where BFR is a healthy scratch?
Yep. Coach says he's playing the guys who are putting in the effort.
I guess you still have to try. Honestly I keep forgetting he's still here.
I suspect he's wishing he wasn't....
When the 4th line is:
Unused Capspace - Bag O'Assets - Insured Salary
Can you blame him?
IMO, that call on boro was crap. A rough hit, but a clean one.
Technically,he could still get hit in the hand in the press box.
Lol ouch what was with that obnoxious Karlsson window?
SensKat wrote:3rd penalty for the Sens.... did anyone check who's reffing?
3rd penalty for the Sens.... did anyone check who's reffing?
Not our favorites
Lol that was a huuuuge trip.
Coach called him out too.
Spezzial-Delivery wrote:Geez Thorton is still dangerous.
Geez Thorton is still dangerous.
He's going to give a new meaning to 'retiring' from hockey