Homer wrote:Sens take 1st penalty. DAB.Was it a dumb penalty?
Sens take 1st penalty. DAB.
Was it a dumb penalty?
lol... we need to add 'wrong guy called for a penalty'
What if its dumb by the ref for calling the wrong guy? Does that count?
tjlincoln wrote:Homer wrote:Sens take 1st penalty. DAB.Was it a dumb penalty? Usually, but that was an aggressive one Wouldn't call that one a dumb one
Usually, but that was an aggressive one
Dumb can be subjective, therefore if I need it to be, ......
"Chuckie gets is a fight" should be a square.
SensKat wrote:Russell wrote:is there an ex-sen on the blues? nope, but I'm sure they will find a way for one to score anyway.
Russell wrote:is there an ex-sen on the blues?
is there an ex-sen on the blues?
nope, but I'm sure they will find a way for one to score anyway.
well, there might be before the game ends.
Now that’s a reason to watch to see a Sens rookie score his first from that renowned play maker Sauborin and Cecitsev
Homer wrote:Russell wrote:SensKat wrote:Blues are starting their backup... first bingo dab for me! i dont have that square. I have "Boro loses a skate blade" and "Sens score 1st". even odds?
Russell wrote:SensKat wrote:Blues are starting their backup... first bingo dab for me! i dont have that square.
SensKat wrote:Blues are starting their backup... first bingo dab for me!
Blues are starting their backup... first bingo dab for me!
i dont have that square.
I have "Boro loses a skate blade" and "Sens score 1st". even odds?
I have both Tim Peel and Dan O'Rourke reffing... so 2 down before the game even started!
Russell wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Blues are starting their backup... first bingo dab for me! Me too. Let's face it, we're here to play Bingo, the game is secondary we are now officially a barn full of old women
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Blues are starting their backup... first bingo dab for me! Me too. Let's face it, we're here to play Bingo, the game is secondary
Me too. Let's face it, we're here to play Bingo, the game is secondary
we are now officially a barn full of old women
and old men 🤷🏼♂️