SensKat wrote:Bobby Ryan! lol
Bobby Ryan! lol
Bobby Frakin' Ryan
See?SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:Russell wrote:Courtesy of kardinal.. For some reason I could never open these images in posts unless they're embedded. Chrome, Firefox, no difference. Yeah, doesn't work for me either
Homer wrote:Russell wrote:Courtesy of kardinal.. For some reason I could never open these images in posts unless they're embedded. Chrome, Firefox, no difference.
Russell wrote:Courtesy of kardinal..
Courtesy of kardinal.
For some reason I could never open these images in posts unless they're embedded.
Chrome, Firefox, no difference.
Yeah, doesn't work for me either
See? 50 ruins everything
Same for me.
tjlincoln wrote:SensKat wrote:Spezzial-Delivery wrote:Omg what is that on Matthews' face I think it's some kind of rodent LOL, so I know how u feel about that thing on his lip now I want to know what Spezz thinks?
SensKat wrote:Spezzial-Delivery wrote:Omg what is that on Matthews' face I think it's some kind of rodent
Spezzial-Delivery wrote:Omg what is that on Matthews' face
Omg what is that on Matthews' face
I think it's some kind of rodent
LOL, so I know how u feel about that thing on his lip now I want to know what Spezz thinks?
Spezzial-Delivery wrote:Pepsi is a partner of the nhl? Does that mean they'll have pepsi at games now? *dies inside*
Pepsi is a partner of the nhl? Does that mean they'll have pepsi at games now? *dies inside*
No more Coke Zero for Pan? They'll get him back as a season ticket holder.
SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:Spezzial-Delivery wrote:Well it's not quite a Sens' game without a goal being called back. Next we just need to lose a challenge for exactly the same thing but against us.Outshot, Too many SNES, Coach's Challenge goes against us. #SensTypicalHatTrick LOL! We are almost there guys!
Homer wrote:Spezzial-Delivery wrote:Well it's not quite a Sens' game without a goal being called back. Next we just need to lose a challenge for exactly the same thing but against us.Outshot, Too many SNES, Coach's Challenge goes against us. #SensTypicalHatTrick
Spezzial-Delivery wrote:Well it's not quite a Sens' game without a goal being called back. Next we just need to lose a challenge for exactly the same thing but against us.
Well it's not quite a Sens' game without a goal being called back. Next we just need to lose a challenge for exactly the same thing but against us.
Outshot, Too many SNES, Coach's Challenge goes against us.
LOL! We are almost there guys!