Russell wrote:SensKat wrote:bah That’s what sheep said.
SensKat wrote:bah
That’s what sheep said.
tjlincoln wrote:senior wrote:Russell wrote:senior wrote:What's the score? Live, from Del boca Vista! Is Marty Seinfeld still in charge
senior wrote:Russell wrote:senior wrote:What's the score? Live, from Del boca Vista! Is Marty Seinfeld still in charge
Russell wrote:senior wrote:What's the score? Live, from Del boca Vista!
senior wrote:What's the score?
What's the score?
Live, from Del boca Vista!
Lol. I saw the impeachment episode a couple of weeks ago.
tjlincoln wrote:SensKat wrote:McCormick scored? Really? Chabot gotta score there
SensKat wrote:McCormick scored? Really?
McCormick scored? Really?
Chabot gotta score there
5 hole was there
Huh. Nice goal.
Well, sort of live.
Another reason I won’t be sad to see smith gone. Too many pointless penalties.
Russell wrote:How many of you have completely forgotten about burrows?
How many of you have completely forgotten about burrows?
Cbinc wrote:Time zone makes a big difference. Go Sens go. Leafs Suck.
Time zone makes a big difference. Go Sens go. Leafs Suck.
tell me about it!