Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Goal! 2-0 Canada don't over do it. keep some of that power for the later rounds
SensKat wrote:Goal! 2-0 Canada
Goal! 2-0 Canada
don't over do it. keep some of that power for the later rounds
nice hand save by Foote
SensKat wrote:senior wrote:Watch it. I can have cats delivered to your door within hours. Can they get rid of my 4' snow banks while they are here?
senior wrote:Watch it. I can have cats delivered to your door within hours.
Watch it. I can have cats delivered to your door within hours.
Can they get rid of my 4' snow banks while they are here?
too many Finns
SensKat wrote:senior wrote:Crap! Thought the game was at 7:00. And here they put on a nice early game for you old folks....
senior wrote:Crap! Thought the game was at 7:00.
Crap! Thought the game was at 7:00.
And here they put on a nice early game for you old folks....
put the game on while senior took his afternoon nap
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:4-2! he put a little Raddysh on that shot
SensKat wrote:4-2!
he put a little Raddysh on that shot
Nice and crisp
Finns get one back... 3-2 good guys
looks like countries get their own goal songs?
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Decent first period. Hopefully they can keep this up. is this what good hockey looks like?
SensKat wrote:Decent first period. Hopefully they can keep this up.
Decent first period. Hopefully they can keep this up.
is this what good hockey looks like?
I think so. It's been awhile, so I'm not 100% sure.
Spezzial-Delivery wrote:Pfffftttt.... "good deeds cup". The only cup worth winning is the 1st place trophy.
Pfffftttt.... "good deeds cup". The only cup worth winning is the 1st place trophy.
lol! Shhhh, you are supposed to get all mushy and happy because they are doing good things