So Kat, are you going to be shoveling snow at your new place this year I'll see how much snow we get! My driveway is pretty small, so I'll do it the first couple of snowfalls, I'm sure... but if it snows too much I might see if there's a kid in the neighbourhood I can pay to do it for me.
HA! Kids don't shovel these days. If there isn't an app for it. they don't do it.
This is getting embarrassing. I'm seeing 3 games live in December.... hope i didn't waste my money.
Hopefully they will at least right the ship enough to make them entertaining games.
Here here. I'm going to the Jets game in December (which is the day before my birthday). I just ask they make it competitive.... every previous year I went in 80% sure that Sens would win.... this is the first year I just want it to be less than like 6-0.
coaching staff should just show them tape of the last 5 mins and tell them to play the first 55 just like that. all their problems would be behind them.