it's sure looking like if Ottawa can survive and even make the playoffs they will be barely a speed bump for Washington sorta like that 1st round series in 08 vs Pittspuke
I read it better than I speak it these days. I haven't used it since school, so it's VERY rusty.
At least u know some, I think it's awesome they teach all you 2 languages
To be fair, I grew up in Ottawa, where bilingualism is pretty important. Out here in the west, they don't learn nearly as much, and nobody uses it at all.
my family is French and went to French school all my life. Pretty much learn English by default. I've been bilingual pretty much since I can talk.
Was it easy to pick up English? How old were u when u started learning?
kids are like sponges so from TV and playing with neighborhood kids it was easy as a sponge absorbs water.
Can't even remember when, pretty much my whole life. I don't even have a French accent
That's totally my plan for getting some of it back once I'm home - French kids TV.
That's something not to have a French accent, I would listen to Dan Boyle when he was w the Sharks and he grew up speaking French he said and had no accent at all