SensKat wrote:ding! dammit new guys
ding! dammit new guys
Finally turned on game, does that ding mean Sens hit the post?
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:dammit again new guy
SensKat wrote:dammit again new guy
dammit again new guy
Always knew who was next for the lonnnnng dirt nap 😴
well that's it for me. I got to get up in 7 1/2 hours and can't weasel my way out of it.
A rubber tree...
call it "The Ref" 'cause they're always screwing someone over and have NHL protection
DiDomenico, get him off Pan's team!!!!!
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:lol. You also need to make a rat tree, of course named "the Marchand" a bra tree and call it "the Spezza"I think we found ourselves a game thread game
SensKat wrote:lol. You also need to make a rat tree, of course named "the Marchand"
lol. You also need to make a rat tree, of course named "the Marchand"
a bra tree and call it "the Spezza"
I think we found ourselves a game thread game
these boobs are walking down the street, when a car driven by a bra pulls up. The bra rolls the window down and says, "quick! get in!"
Homer wrote:I knew it !!!
I knew it !!!
It's got a knife on the other side and is actually demanding the photographer's wallet.