wow.. I really had to hunt for that one Homer...sorry...must be my 416 #localreference filter acting up...I do live in the centre of the universe... it will be fixed on the next update...
wow.. I really had to hunt for that one Homer...sorry...must be my 416 #localreference filter acting up...I do live in the centre of the universe... it will be fixed on the next update...
must have been the bad bottle of Zinfandel that Russell sent you
wow.. I really had to hunt for that one Homer...sorry...must be my 416 #localreference filter acting up...I do live in the centre of the universe... it will be fixed on the next update...
must have been the bad bottle of Zinfandel that Russell sent you
wow.. I really had to hunt for that one Homer...sorry...must be my 416 #localreference filter acting up...I do live in the centre of the universe... it will be fixed on the next update...
must have been the bad bottle of Zinfandel that Russell sent you
wow.. I really had to hunt for that one Homer...sorry...must be my 416 #localreference filter acting up...I do live in the centre of the universe...
it will be fixed on the next update...