Homer wrote:tjlincoln wrote:Just great a shootout, I bet a billion dollars Skinner scoresThat's two. Two billion dollars you owe me
tjlincoln wrote:Just great a shootout, I bet a billion dollars Skinner scores
Just great a shootout, I bet a billion dollars Skinner scores
That's two. Two billion dollars you owe me
Homer wrote:MUPS !!
Homer wrote:Did he just say Toronto?
Did he just say Toronto?
SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Now we can start to get nervous.... you just had to.... I could just feel it...
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Now we can start to get nervous.... you just had to....
SensKat wrote:Now we can start to get nervous....
Now we can start to get nervous....
you just had to....
I could just feel it...
I never thought they would give that up
You can only shake your head laugh.