SensKat wrote:JGP ties it up!
JGP ties it up!
well that was unexpected
SensKat wrote:Ryan gets them within one again....
Ryan gets them within one again....
and almost punches the ref with a fist pump
doesn't it seem like every time the sens go out west, they get reamed up by the refs?
that's not even a penalty much less a penalty shot! LOL!
Russell wrote:SensKat wrote:SensKat wrote:oh goody, Chiasson is back in. We're saved. then again.... brilliant coaching! :)
SensKat wrote:SensKat wrote:oh goody, Chiasson is back in. We're saved. then again....
SensKat wrote:oh goody, Chiasson is back in. We're saved.
oh goody, Chiasson is back in. We're saved.
then again....
brilliant coaching! :)
I had mistaken Kat's enthusiasm for sarcasm. my bad
you "called it"
Russell wrote:Homer, wasn't it you who started the whole thing with the nostrils on that curling chick?
Homer, wasn't it you who started the whole thing with the nostrils on that curling chick?
nope, wasn't me
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:well that was craptastic.we all knew it was going to happen
SensKat wrote:well that was craptastic.
well that was craptastic.
we all knew it was going to happen
of course we did, but it still sucked!