senior wrote:So I take it things haven't got any better.
So I take it things haven't got any better.
Oh, they got a bit better. I'm just still bitter.
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:offside because lazy-ass couldn't bother to hurry to the bench.... you should FaceTime in on them in the 2nd intermission
SensKat wrote:offside because lazy-ass couldn't bother to hurry to the bench....
offside because lazy-ass couldn't bother to hurry to the bench....
you should FaceTime in on them in the 2nd intermission
they should totally set up a camera in the room
ha... guess I'm still irritated.
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:JGP with his mandatory goal against the Habs hopefully more than one They don't deserve to win this game. At all. yeah, but I won't feel bad if Montreal loses
SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:JGP with his mandatory goal against the Habs hopefully more than one They don't deserve to win this game. At all.
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:JGP with his mandatory goal against the Habs hopefully more than one
SensKat wrote:JGP with his mandatory goal against the Habs
JGP with his mandatory goal against the Habs
hopefully more than one
They don't deserve to win this game. At all.
yeah, but I won't feel bad if Montreal loses
Well no... but in a way, I hate for them to win a game like this one and get rewarded despite playing like a bunch of lazy-ass whiners.
tjlincoln wrote:SensKat wrote:4-0. Is there a mercy rule? So no need to watch this now, save the battery on my iPad
SensKat wrote:4-0. Is there a mercy rule?
4-0. Is there a mercy rule?
So no need to watch this now, save the battery on my iPad
Nope, probably not....
SensKat wrote:Ugh.
Petry, great now we'll have to listen on how a great acquisition that was but Bergevin.