SensKat wrote:You can already see them panting on the bench, having a hard time catching their breath.
You can already see them panting on the bench, having a hard time catching their breath.
Drama queens
And up in the press box, greening orders a second bowl of ice cream.....cuz it no longer matters.
Who be this man Prince? Nice play by Smith.
SensDawg wrote: Btw, who's doing the PA announcements? Darth Vader?
Btw, who's doing the PA announcements? Darth Vader?
James Earl Jones.
senior wrote:SensKat wrote:senior wrote:Sleepy time pie tonight.Is that like sleepy time tea? How would I know. Everyone knows tea is for little old ladies and little old men.
SensKat wrote:senior wrote:Sleepy time pie tonight.Is that like sleepy time tea?
senior wrote:Sleepy time pie tonight.
Sleepy time pie tonight.
Is that like sleepy time tea?
How would I know. Everyone knows tea is for little old ladies and little old men.
oh right. How silly of me.
canuck wrote:Reading those TTC tweets gives me evil ideas for future episodes ...
Reading those TTC tweets gives me evil ideas for future episodes ...
can't wait?