Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:Quick Kat, go hide before Garrioch gets on the screen. It's ok, I flipped to the Oilers game for the intermission. Avoiding the trauma tonight. I'll let you know when it's safe to come back. (meat shield)
SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:Quick Kat, go hide before Garrioch gets on the screen. It's ok, I flipped to the Oilers game for the intermission. Avoiding the trauma tonight.
Homer wrote:Quick Kat, go hide before Garrioch gets on the screen.
Quick Kat, go hide before Garrioch gets on the screen.
It's ok, I flipped to the Oilers game for the intermission. Avoiding the trauma tonight.
I'll let you know when it's safe to come back. (meat shield)
Note to self... wait for Homer's cue, and then wait 5 more minutes.
Cbinc wrote:SensKat wrote:Cbinc wrote:when little miss cbinc goes to bed...I WILL EAT HER CANDY!lol. And then try to convince her in the morning that she's remembering wrong how much she had? of course.. she is 11... I can still lie to her, but she now knows it!
SensKat wrote:Cbinc wrote:when little miss cbinc goes to bed...I WILL EAT HER CANDY!lol. And then try to convince her in the morning that she's remembering wrong how much she had?
Cbinc wrote:when little miss cbinc goes to bed...I WILL EAT HER CANDY!
when little miss cbinc goes to bed...I WILL EAT HER CANDY!
lol. And then try to convince her in the morning that she's remembering wrong how much she had?
of course.. she is 11... I can still lie to her, but she now knows it!
ooooh.... dangerous age! lol
SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:If that had gone in, I wonder if it would have counted. Eller gave it a little extra shove with his hockey stop to push Andy into the net. What's a hockey stop?
Homer wrote:If that had gone in, I wonder if it would have counted. Eller gave it a little extra shove with his hockey stop to push Andy into the net.
If that had gone in, I wonder if it would have counted. Eller gave it a little extra shove with his hockey stop to push Andy into the net.
What's a hockey stop?
Something that Pan can't do.
gotta find that animated gif that SensGab posted on twitter some time ago.
SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:Crosbar, tj is not gonna like thatTrue, tj hates crossbars
Homer wrote:Crosbar, tj is not gonna like that
Crosbar, tj is not gonna like that
True, tj hates crossbars
except he calls them rimshots