Russell wrote:SensKat wrote:Anyone have some extra Halloween candy? I dare you to try and take ours. mrs.Pigman is not to be messed with when it comes to peanut butter cups.
SensKat wrote:Anyone have some extra Halloween candy?
Anyone have some extra Halloween candy?
I dare you to try and take ours. mrs.Pigman is not to be messed with when it comes to peanut butter cups.
Seems like sharing is the least she can do after giving away my pie.
Russell wrote:senior wrote:Damn Home Depot ran out of barbed wire today so had to go with trip wire. So far so good. We've had 2 kids. That's it. Only about 20 houses on the street. Wife bought 80 chocolate bars. Like that wasn't planned.
senior wrote:Damn Home Depot ran out of barbed wire today so had to go with trip wire. So far so good.
Damn Home Depot ran out of barbed wire today so had to go with trip wire. So far so good.
We've had 2 kids. That's it. Only about 20 houses on the street. Wife bought 80 chocolate bars. Like that wasn't planned.
Oh, I guess you do...
Russell wrote:senior wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:pfft... far scarier is Big Brucie's greasy mug. Which reminds me, I still have to carve the pumpkin. Don't you mean carve the pumpkin pie?
senior wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:pfft... far scarier is Big Brucie's greasy mug. Which reminds me, I still have to carve the pumpkin.
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:pfft... far scarier is Big Brucie's greasy mug.
SensKat wrote:pfft... far scarier is Big Brucie's greasy mug.
pfft... far scarier is Big Brucie's greasy mug.
Which reminds me, I still have to carve the pumpkin.
Don't you mean carve the pumpkin pie?
Nope. Finished the pumpkin pie last night. Apple tonight.
3-2 Sens, Ryan with winner
4-2 for whoever they are playing against. GWG Pukkinet. This is the last time I'm taking one for the team.
Russell wrote:4-2 sens in ot, alfie with the game winner.
4-2 sens in ot, alfie with the game winner.
highly unlikely...but once it's posted
Kardinal wrote:Russell wrote:Kardinal wrote:The 2nd half of the back-to-back, 2-games-in-2-nights-series-vs-a-division-rival Red Wings. "excessive use of dashes, 10 yards, 1st down repeated." Those are hyphens; dashes are used in Morse code. The challenge is declined, and you lose your timeout.
Russell wrote:Kardinal wrote:The 2nd half of the back-to-back, 2-games-in-2-nights-series-vs-a-division-rival Red Wings. "excessive use of dashes, 10 yards, 1st down repeated."
Kardinal wrote:The 2nd half of the back-to-back, 2-games-in-2-nights-series-vs-a-division-rival Red Wings.
The 2nd half of the back-to-back, 2-games-in-2-nights-series-vs-a-division-rival Red Wings.
"excessive use of dashes, 10 yards, 1st down repeated."
Those are hyphens; dashes are used in Morse code. The challenge is declined, and you lose your timeout.
thats coming off your pay.
3-2 Senators
GWG: Stone (he has to get one at some point, right?)