SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:senior wrote:Sens just don't have it tonight. Not at all. It's like a tale of two teams. What the Dickens are they doing tonight?Not living up to my Great Expectations, that's for sure! we'll need some David Copperfield magic to win this one They seem to have fallen on some Hard Times Our Mutual Friend is probably saying WTF are they talking about It will always be known as The Mystery of Edwin Drood
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:senior wrote:Sens just don't have it tonight. Not at all. It's like a tale of two teams. What the Dickens are they doing tonight?Not living up to my Great Expectations, that's for sure! we'll need some David Copperfield magic to win this one They seem to have fallen on some Hard Times Our Mutual Friend is probably saying WTF are they talking about
SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:senior wrote:Sens just don't have it tonight. Not at all. It's like a tale of two teams. What the Dickens are they doing tonight?Not living up to my Great Expectations, that's for sure! we'll need some David Copperfield magic to win this one They seem to have fallen on some Hard Times
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:senior wrote:Sens just don't have it tonight. Not at all. It's like a tale of two teams. What the Dickens are they doing tonight?Not living up to my Great Expectations, that's for sure! we'll need some David Copperfield magic to win this one
SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:senior wrote:Sens just don't have it tonight. Not at all. It's like a tale of two teams. What the Dickens are they doing tonight?Not living up to my Great Expectations, that's for sure!
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:senior wrote:Sens just don't have it tonight. Not at all. It's like a tale of two teams. What the Dickens are they doing tonight?
SensKat wrote:senior wrote:Sens just don't have it tonight. Not at all. It's like a tale of two teams.
senior wrote:Sens just don't have it tonight.
Sens just don't have it tonight.
Not at all. It's like a tale of two teams.
What the Dickens are they doing tonight?
Not living up to my Great Expectations, that's for sure!
we'll need some David Copperfield magic to win this one
They seem to have fallen on some Hard Times
Our Mutual Friend is probably saying WTF are they talking about
It will always be known as The Mystery of Edwin Drood
so back to books again? A tale of two pies.
SensKat wrote:senior wrote:Should never be shut out by Pens. They are not very good defensively. Unfortunately, tonight... the Sens were just not very good.
senior wrote:Should never be shut out by Pens. They are not very good defensively.
Should never be shut out by Pens. They are not very good defensively.
Unfortunately, tonight... the Sens were just not very good.
yeah, everything written and said is that the pukes couldn't play D. the Columbus G and D must be worse than putrid
A few of the guys have played well but the team as a whole has been flat.
Boy that guy sure sent the Sens a message.
Boro was just shaking off the Rust
of come on Prince, you knew that was offside and still poked a the puck?