Jonathan Pitre is in the house
talk about a no quit attitude, this kid is inspiring
SensKat wrote:Did Healy just say that Gallagher sticking his tongue out at someone is "intimidating them"?
Did Healy just say that Gallagher sticking his tongue out at someone is "intimidating them"?
Gallagher couldn't intimidate a wet kitten.
Homer wrote:needed to score on that chance addendum to my game planIf there are 3 habs lined up at the blue line, don't try to carry it across. Dump and chase it at full speed.
needed to score on that chance
addendum to my game plan
If there are 3 habs lined up at the blue line, don't try to carry it across. Dump and chase it at full speed.
Dump and make sure your stick follow through takes out an eye.
It's funny.... your game plan SEEMS like it makes sense. But it couldn't possibly be that easy, could it?
Evening Sam.
sens aren't hitting.
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:LOL, that was kind of funny Is that some kind of guy thing I don't know about? 'Cause I haven't found someone sticking their tongue out at my scary since I was about 5.... Actually I was talking about the players hacking away aw Weise thinking the puck was under him, but it was actually 100' away
SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:LOL, that was kind of funny Is that some kind of guy thing I don't know about? 'Cause I haven't found someone sticking their tongue out at my scary since I was about 5....
Homer wrote:LOL, that was kind of funny
LOL, that was kind of funny
Is that some kind of guy thing I don't know about? 'Cause I haven't found someone sticking their tongue out at my scary since I was about 5....
Actually I was talking about the players hacking away aw Weise thinking the puck was under him, but it was actually 100' away
Oh that.
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Where's the hitting, the energy? correction on my game plan, Hit everything in a Habs jersey with the puck near by
SensKat wrote:Where's the hitting, the energy?
Where's the hitting, the energy?
correction on my game plan,
Hit everything in a Habs jersey with the puck near by
lol. THAT's what the problem was.
Homer wrote:isn't it still Romanuk?
isn't it still Romanuk?
I don't know.... sounds different. Maybe he just has a cold.