You know, that's not the worst jacket cherry has ever worn.
tjlincoln wrote:SensKat wrote:Good lord with is Grapes wearing? Red Lights???
SensKat wrote:Good lord with is Grapes wearing?
Good lord with is Grapes wearing?
Red Lights???
Apparently Coaches Corner is sponsored by Budweiser tonight.
Russell wrote:SensKat wrote:On an unrelated note, I bought my cat a new catnip toy today, and he is completely stoned. You should get him a cat tree.
SensKat wrote:On an unrelated note, I bought my cat a new catnip toy today, and he is completely stoned.
On an unrelated note, I bought my cat a new catnip toy today, and he is completely stoned.
You should get him a cat tree.
He's too old - he has a hard time with stairs these days, let alone climbing.
Good to see 9mm playing better. I'm a fan of his game when he's on. Just doesn't happen enough anymore.
tjlincoln wrote:SensKat wrote:Oh look, another PK subtle tanking?
SensKat wrote:Oh look, another PK
Oh look, another PK
subtle tanking?
careless, lazy play... again.
Only lazar could smile after missing that goal.
SensKat wrote:Russell wrote:This PxP guy sounds like he should be on the price is right. Just think of it this way... it's a game on City, and we DIDN'T get Bob Cole.
Russell wrote:This PxP guy sounds like he should be on the price is right.
This PxP guy sounds like he should be on the price is right.
Just think of it this way... it's a game on City, and we DIDN'T get Bob Cole.