Not only did both refs miss the tofoli cross check to sanderson's neck, the NHL are pretending it didn't happen either, not even a fine. so there you go.
I somehow managed to avoid a bingo. Not sure how.
3 cigars:
Cathy wrote:Went from hovering over someone gets GWG and someone gets correct score to firmly capping the dabber.
Went from hovering over someone gets GWG and someone gets correct score to firmly capping the dabber.
“Capping the dabber”.
Never any doubt.
A win and a bingo!
final card
uno bingo
geez that was an abrupt cut to the MTL-BUF game.
Last minuet goal
EN goal in the last minute
**** you ref!
Cathy wrote:data_sprite12 wrote:Does this count as a one-time goal? We had a one-timer earlier, dab it.
data_sprite12 wrote:Does this count as a one-time goal?
Does this count as a one-time goal?
We had a one-timer earlier, dab it.
Woo, bingo!
Cross check to the back of the neck! No call! Refs suck
Goalie pulled.
Cathy wrote:who slammed their stick in frustration? Norris?? 'cause THAT can't be good.
who slammed their stick in frustration? Norris?? 'cause THAT can't be good.
oi vey