Couple of almosts but no cigars:
15 dabs, no bingo:
Triple Bingo
AYKM goal would have given me 5.
Cathy wrote:data_sprite12 wrote:Cathy wrote:Why exactly are there two TBL home games back to back? Florida road trip in February, winter typical. The Panthers are the game after. TBL and FLA, yes, but two identical games is usually reserved for make-up games for postponements
data_sprite12 wrote:Cathy wrote:Why exactly are there two TBL home games back to back? Florida road trip in February, winter typical. The Panthers are the game after.
Cathy wrote:Why exactly are there two TBL home games back to back?
Why exactly are there two TBL home games back to back?
Florida road trip in February, winter typical. The Panthers are the game after.
TBL and FLA, yes, but two identical games is usually reserved for make-up games for postponements
Payback for three consecutive weekends of back-to-back games.
final card
hockey gods only granting one request and bingo tonight
Never any doubt
Negative cigar count,
Russell wrote:Cathy wrote:time-out, time-out, time-out Twss
Cathy wrote:time-out, time-out, time-out
time-out, time-out, time-out
(that's what he wishes [he would hear])
Russell wrote:prop bet: after beating several good teams, do the sens play down to their competition?
prop bet: after beating several good teams, do the sens play down to their competition?
Not this time!
Did that count as a breakaway? Asking for a friend.
Russell wrote:Homer wrote:That was a PP goal with some LUBE on it. Fans don’t agree.
Homer wrote:That was a PP goal with some LUBE on it.
That was a PP goal with some LUBE on it.
Fans don’t agree.
To be fair, I think they agree there was lube. It was just in the, um, wrong area.
What the **** NSH?
Homer wrote:EN goal.they didn't even give Gried a chance to take a slapper.
EN goal.
they didn't even give Gried a chance to take a slapper.
Come on! Slap shot!