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Topic: Game 76 - Leafs @ Sens - Sat Apr 1, 7:00pm

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RE: Game 76 - Leafs @ Sens - Sat Apr 1, 7:00pm

Homer wrote:
tjlincoln wrote:
Cathy wrote:
Homer wrote:
tjlincoln wrote:
Cathy wrote:
tjlincoln wrote:
Homer wrote:

So today we reached 12 degrees Celsius (54 F), at 7am tomorrow, it'll be -10, -18 with the wind. (14F / 0F)

So Cathy, when are you coming to Ottawa for a visit?  lol

 It was cold 🥶 out here yesterday but not like that 

 Snow again in the forecast for next week. ~15 degrees below "normal", whatever normal is anymore

 We had hail and thunder up here this afternoon 

 10 tornados killing 37 so far in 2023 and it's not even tornado season yet.  This is all perfectly normal. :/

 I thought spring *was* tornado season?

 It was - lived thru a bad one in Kentucky it was in April 

-- Edited by tjlincoln on Saturday 1st of April 2023 07:47:54 PM

 Seems to be hitting harder and more often now. 

 You’re right, there was a horrible deadly tornado in Kentucky/Missouri that was 165 miles long in December 2021. December tornadoes used to be unheard of.

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Cathy wrote:

Nothing. Is. Happening.

 Two possible dabs in the 1st. 

Sens 1st PP and net knocked off moorings. 

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tjlincoln wrote:
Cathy wrote:
Homer wrote:
tjlincoln wrote:
Cathy wrote:
tjlincoln wrote:
Homer wrote:

So today we reached 12 degrees Celsius (54 F), at 7am tomorrow, it'll be -10, -18 with the wind. (14F / 0F)

So Cathy, when are you coming to Ottawa for a visit?  lol

 It was cold 🥶 out here yesterday but not like that 

 Snow again in the forecast for next week. ~15 degrees below "normal", whatever normal is anymore

 We had hail and thunder up here this afternoon 

 10 tornados killing 37 so far in 2023 and it's not even tornado season yet.  This is all perfectly normal. :/

 I thought spring *was* tornado season?

 It was - lived thru a bad one in Kentucky it was in April 

-- Edited by tjlincoln on Saturday 1st of April 2023 07:47:54 PM

 Seems to be hitting harder and more often now. 

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tjlincoln wrote:
Cathy wrote:
tjlincoln wrote:
Cathy wrote:
tjlincoln wrote:
Homer wrote:

So today we reached 12 degrees Celsius (54 F), at 7am tomorrow, it'll be -10, -18 with the wind. (14F / 0F)

So Cathy, when are you coming to Ottawa for a visit?  lol

 It was cold 🥶 out here yesterday but not like that 

 Snow again in the forecast for next week. ~15 degrees below "normal", whatever normal is anymore

 We had hail and thunder up here this afternoon 

 That seems like normal spring in my limited experience. sun > hail > sun > thunder > clouds > rain

The already inaccurate weather forecast becomes more inaccurate by the day.

 Before the weird weather and storms the PNW rarely got thunderstorms ⛈️ 

 Huh, didn't know that. I assumed with all the rain at least some of them would have thunder. (I realize that's not exactly a scientific analysis of the weather.)

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Nothing. Is. Happening.

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Cathy wrote:
Homer wrote:
tjlincoln wrote:
Cathy wrote:
tjlincoln wrote:
Homer wrote:

So today we reached 12 degrees Celsius (54 F), at 7am tomorrow, it'll be -10, -18 with the wind. (14F / 0F)

So Cathy, when are you coming to Ottawa for a visit?  lol

 It was cold 🥶 out here yesterday but not like that 

 Snow again in the forecast for next week. ~15 degrees below "normal", whatever normal is anymore

 We had hail and thunder up here this afternoon 

 10 tornados killing 37 so far in 2023 and it's not even tornado season yet.  This is all perfectly normal. :/

 I thought spring *was* tornado season?

 It was - lived thru a bad one in Kentucky it was in April 

-- Edited by tjlincoln on Saturday 1st of April 2023 07:47:54 PM

Confident Fan
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Posts: 18104
Cathy wrote:
tjlincoln wrote:
Cathy wrote:
tjlincoln wrote:
Homer wrote:

So today we reached 12 degrees Celsius (54 F), at 7am tomorrow, it'll be -10, -18 with the wind. (14F / 0F)

So Cathy, when are you coming to Ottawa for a visit?  lol

 It was cold 🥶 out here yesterday but not like that 

 Snow again in the forecast for next week. ~15 degrees below "normal", whatever normal is anymore

 We had hail and thunder up here this afternoon 

 That seems like normal spring in my limited experience. sun > hail > sun > thunder > clouds > rain

The already inaccurate weather forecast becomes more inaccurate by the day.

 Before the weird weather and storms the PNW rarely got thunderstorms ⛈️ 

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Posts: 12483
Homer wrote:
tjlincoln wrote:
Cathy wrote:
tjlincoln wrote:
Homer wrote:

So today we reached 12 degrees Celsius (54 F), at 7am tomorrow, it'll be -10, -18 with the wind. (14F / 0F)

So Cathy, when are you coming to Ottawa for a visit?  lol

 It was cold 🥶 out here yesterday but not like that 

 Snow again in the forecast for next week. ~15 degrees below "normal", whatever normal is anymore

 We had hail and thunder up here this afternoon 

 10 tornados killing 37 so far in 2023 and it's not even tornado season yet.  This is all perfectly normal. :/

 I thought spring *was* tornado season?

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Posts: 12483
tjlincoln wrote:
Cathy wrote:
tjlincoln wrote:
Homer wrote:

So today we reached 12 degrees Celsius (54 F), at 7am tomorrow, it'll be -10, -18 with the wind. (14F / 0F)

So Cathy, when are you coming to Ottawa for a visit?  lol

 It was cold 🥶 out here yesterday but not like that 

 Snow again in the forecast for next week. ~15 degrees below "normal", whatever normal is anymore

 We had hail and thunder up here this afternoon 

 That seems like normal spring in my limited experience. sun > hail > sun > thunder > clouds > rain

The already inaccurate weather forecast becomes more inaccurate by the day.

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Posts: 19792
tjlincoln wrote:
Cathy wrote:
tjlincoln wrote:
Homer wrote:

So today we reached 12 degrees Celsius (54 F), at 7am tomorrow, it'll be -10, -18 with the wind. (14F / 0F)

So Cathy, when are you coming to Ottawa for a visit?  lol

 It was cold 🥶 out here yesterday but not like that 

 Snow again in the forecast for next week. ~15 degrees below "normal", whatever normal is anymore

 We had hail and thunder up here this afternoon 

 10 tornados killing 37 so far in 2023 and it's not even tornado season yet.  This is all perfectly normal. :/

Confident Fan
Status: Offline
Posts: 18104
Cathy wrote:
tjlincoln wrote:
Homer wrote:

So today we reached 12 degrees Celsius (54 F), at 7am tomorrow, it'll be -10, -18 with the wind. (14F / 0F)

So Cathy, when are you coming to Ottawa for a visit?  lol

 It was cold 🥶 out here yesterday but not like that 

 Snow again in the forecast for next week. ~15 degrees below "normal", whatever normal is anymore

 We had hail and thunder up here this afternoon 

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Posts: 12483
tjlincoln wrote:
Homer wrote:

So today we reached 12 degrees Celsius (54 F), at 7am tomorrow, it'll be -10, -18 with the wind. (14F / 0F)

So Cathy, when are you coming to Ottawa for a visit?  lol

 It was cold 🥶 out here yesterday but not like that 

 Snow again in the forecast for next week. ~15 degrees below "normal", whatever normal is anymore

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Posts: 12483
Homer wrote:

So today we reached 12 degrees Celsius (54 F), at 7am tomorrow, it'll be -10, -18 with the wind. (14F / 0F)

So Cathy, when are you coming to Ottawa for a visit?  lol

 Maybe next year (or next hockey season)

Depends on how much inflation goes up compared to how much my salary goes up. blankstare

Confident Fan
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Posts: 18104
Homer wrote:

So today we reached 12 degrees Celsius (54 F), at 7am tomorrow, it'll be -10, -18 with the wind. (14F / 0F)

So Cathy, when are you coming to Ottawa for a visit?  lol

 It was cold 🥶 out here yesterday but not like that 

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I thought this was a clever move for today. (The link is safe and SFW….just a clever gag)

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Posts: 18104
Homer wrote:
Cathy wrote:

Why is that whistle like two octaves higher than normal?

 Cardiff bobbies?

 lol 😂 

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Posts: 19792

So today we reached 12 degrees Celsius (54 F), at 7am tomorrow, it'll be -10, -18 with the wind. (14F / 0F)

So Cathy, when are you coming to Ottawa for a visit?  lol

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Ryan Reynolds really should have come to this game instead, drown out the Leafs fans.

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being a math person, you'd think gambling would appeal to me…I have no idea what those numbers mean, they look like ancient greek

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Net "accidently" knocked off its moorings.

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