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Topic: Game 45 - Sens @ Penguins - Fri, Jan 20, 7:00pm

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RE: Game 45 - Sens @ Penguins - Fri, Jan 20, 7:00pm

Wow, my feed is waaaaay behind

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Posts: 12483
Homer wrote:

Papa Joseph wearing a Sens jersey, while Mama Joseph wearing an Penguins jersey. 

Is that enough for a funny **** dab?   It would be our 1st of the game.

 Kinda weak. But can we revisit this decision later if it turns out to be a boring ass game?

Jedi Master
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Posts: 23905
Russell wrote:

apparently, dorion was in LA last night. they have 4 right shot d men in their line up. 

 Amusing that you actually think that would be what he was there looking at.

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Posts: 21811
Homer wrote:

Papa Joseph wearing a Sens jersey, while Mama Joseph wearing an Penguins jersey. 

Is that enough for a funny **** dab?   It would be our 1st of the game.

 eeeennnnhhhhh, not feeling it. 

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Posts: 12483
SensKat wrote:

Yay, a fight

 I'm behind or Kat's losing it

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Posts: 21811

apparently, dorion was in LA last night. they have 4 right shot d men in their line up. 

Jedi Master
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Yay, a fight

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Papa Joseph wearing a Sens jersey, while Mama Joseph wearing an Penguins jersey. 

Is that enough for a funny **** dab?   It would be our 1st of the game.

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Posts: 12483

I can't readily find a picture but Carol Niedermayer had a custom jersey (I think a fan may have made it for her) that was half devils and half ducks. 

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Posts: 21811
Cathy wrote:
SensKat wrote:
Homer wrote:
Cathy wrote:
Russell wrote:
Cathy wrote:
Russell wrote:

I have a new "rule with no exception".

If you are wearing pants with a draw string, the chances of the string knotting when to pull it are directly proportional to how badly you have to pee. 

 Women's hips FTW. You don't necessarily need a snug fit to stay clothed. 


But, on a similar topic…Cathy has stream problems. Dab.

-- Edited by Cathy on Friday 20th of January 2023 07:08:18 PM

 you always have to keep the string tied tight when you're a guy or your friends will pants you. 

Are you all 12? lol

 That literally wss

 Ah yes, the mythical man inches

 As I hit submit I did wonder if the lack of context would cause me problems. no

 around here?  nnnnoooooooooooo.

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Posts: 21811
SensKat wrote:
Homer wrote:
Cathy wrote:
Russell wrote:
Cathy wrote:
Russell wrote:

I have a new "rule with no exception".

If you are wearing pants with a draw string, the chances of the string knotting when to pull it are directly proportional to how badly you have to pee. 

 Women's hips FTW. You don't necessarily need a snug fit to stay clothed. 


But, on a similar topic…Cathy has stream problems. Dab.

-- Edited by Cathy on Friday 20th of January 2023 07:08:18 PM

 you always have to keep the string tied tight when you're a guy or your friends will pants you. 

Are you all 12? lol

 That literally wss

 Ah yes, the mythical man inches

 its just a matter of perspective. 

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Posts: 12483
SensKat wrote:
Homer wrote:
Cathy wrote:
Russell wrote:
Cathy wrote:
Russell wrote:

I have a new "rule with no exception".

If you are wearing pants with a draw string, the chances of the string knotting when to pull it are directly proportional to how badly you have to pee. 

 Women's hips FTW. You don't necessarily need a snug fit to stay clothed. 


But, on a similar topic…Cathy has stream problems. Dab.

-- Edited by Cathy on Friday 20th of January 2023 07:08:18 PM

 you always have to keep the string tied tight when you're a guy or your friends will pants you. 

Are you all 12? lol

 That literally wss

 Ah yes, the mythical man inches

 As I hit submit I did wonder if the lack of context would cause me problems. no

Status: Offline
Posts: 21811
Homer wrote:
Cathy wrote:
Russell wrote:
Cathy wrote:
Russell wrote:

I have a new "rule with no exception".

If you are wearing pants with a draw string, the chances of the string knotting when to pull it are directly proportional to how badly you have to pee. 

 Women's hips FTW. You don't necessarily need a snug fit to stay clothed. 


But, on a similar topic…Cathy has stream problems. Dab.

-- Edited by Cathy on Friday 20th of January 2023 07:08:18 PM

 you always have to keep the string tied tight when you're a guy or your friends will pants you. 

Are you all 12? lol

 That literally wss

 best teacher ever!

Jedi Master
Status: Offline
Posts: 23905
Homer wrote:
Cathy wrote:
Russell wrote:
Cathy wrote:
Russell wrote:

I have a new "rule with no exception".

If you are wearing pants with a draw string, the chances of the string knotting when to pull it are directly proportional to how badly you have to pee. 

 Women's hips FTW. You don't necessarily need a snug fit to stay clothed. 


But, on a similar topic…Cathy has stream problems. Dab.

-- Edited by Cathy on Friday 20th of January 2023 07:08:18 PM

 you always have to keep the string tied tight when you're a guy or your friends will pants you. 

Are you all 12? lol

 That literally wss

 Ah yes, the mythical man inches

Status: Offline
Posts: 19792
Cathy wrote:
Russell wrote:
Cathy wrote:
Russell wrote:

I have a new "rule with no exception".

If you are wearing pants with a draw string, the chances of the string knotting when to pull it are directly proportional to how badly you have to pee. 

 Women's hips FTW. You don't necessarily need a snug fit to stay clothed. 


But, on a similar topic…Cathy has stream problems. Dab.

-- Edited by Cathy on Friday 20th of January 2023 07:08:18 PM

 you always have to keep the string tied tight when you're a guy or your friends will pants you. 

Are you all 12? lol

 That literally wss

Status: Offline
Posts: 21811
Cathy wrote:
Russell wrote:
Cathy wrote:
Russell wrote:

I have a new "rule with no exception".

If you are wearing pants with a draw string, the chances of the string knotting when to pull it are directly proportional to how badly you have to pee. 

 Women's hips FTW. You don't necessarily need a snug fit to stay clothed. 


But, on a similar topic…Cathy has stream problems. Dab.

-- Edited by Cathy on Friday 20th of January 2023 07:08:18 PM

 you always have to keep the string tied tight when you're a guy or your friends will pants you. 

Are you all 12? lol

 i learned this in my younger music days. wasn't uncommon to be setting up for the show in sweatpants, hanging lights, etc. when your arms were up in the air, you were helpless, and hunted by the other guys. 

Jedi Master
Status: Offline
Posts: 23905
Cathy wrote:

Okay, someone mentioned this the other night…what is up with the Crosby focus? Is he nearing some milestone or something?

 I dunno, feels like it's gotten worse again this year.  Driving me nuts.

Status: Offline
Posts: 21811
Cathy wrote:
Russell wrote:
Cathy wrote:
Russell wrote:

I have a new "rule with no exception".

If you are wearing pants with a draw string, the chances of the string knotting when to pull it are directly proportional to how badly you have to pee. 

 Women's hips FTW. You don't necessarily need a snug fit to stay clothed. 


But, on a similar topic…Cathy has stream problems. Dab.

-- Edited by Cathy on Friday 20th of January 2023 07:08:18 PM

 you always have to keep the string tied tight when you're a guy or your friends will pants you. 

Are you all 12? lol


Status: Offline
Posts: 12483
Russell wrote:
Cathy wrote:
Russell wrote:

I have a new "rule with no exception".

If you are wearing pants with a draw string, the chances of the string knotting when to pull it are directly proportional to how badly you have to pee. 

 Women's hips FTW. You don't necessarily need a snug fit to stay clothed. 


But, on a similar topic…Cathy has stream problems. Dab.

-- Edited by Cathy on Friday 20th of January 2023 07:08:18 PM

 you always have to keep the string tied tight when you're a guy or your friends will pants you. 

Are you all 12? lol

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Posts: 12483

Yeah, I'm gonna victim blame Rust on that one. You skate helmetless between two guys playing catch what do you expect?

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