Oh. Never any doubt.
My cigar winning card: https://www.focusring.ca/bingo/SensBingo.html?board=jktGcZhJsAOdXBCEYRuirDnK&scored=2527583&tscored=11211011221200&bname=
tjlincoln wrote:Joseph 9 points in last 3 games, is that good?
Joseph 9 points in last 3 games, is that good?
Joseph has a +8 in 7 games played w Ottawa, who did they trade away for this guy again?
Homer wrote:Triple Bingo. Almost missed it. Though it was a double. Lots of dabs, could have been better (or worse) depending on perspective.
Triple Bingo.
Almost missed it. Though it was a double. Lots of dabs, could have been better (or worse) depending on perspective.
Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:final card Missed a couple, but doesn't help
Cathy wrote:final card
final card
Missed a couple, but doesn't help
Dude, posting this immediately after your triple bingo update.
Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:Stupid question, does EN with goalie pulled count as SH? no, must be with a penalty.
Cathy wrote:Stupid question, does EN with goalie pulled count as SH?
Stupid question, does EN with goalie pulled count as SH?
no, must be with a penalty.
My desperation for dabs has me thinking outside the box.
Cathy wrote:SensKat wrote:SensKat wrote:tj with the GWG which gives me a double bingo New rule, ya gotta pick your own cards!
SensKat wrote:SensKat wrote:tj with the GWG which gives me a double bingo
SensKat wrote:tj with the GWG
tj with the GWG
which gives me a double bingo
New rule, ya gotta pick your own cards!
i think they are in cahoots.
tjlincoln wrote:Toronto was up 5-1 and Cats 🐱 caught em and passed em 6-5
Toronto was up 5-1 and Cats 🐱 caught em and passed em 6-5
tee hee
lol, me too. I know how to pick em.
Homer wrote:Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:Cathy wrote:I need Sens outshoot and Fight to double up…what are the odds on a fight? I'm thinking not high. I feel like that obnoxious fan in League of Their Own… "slide, slide…thank you" Will have to see what they officially call it. Damn. It. All. To. Hell. #MontrealTypicalStutzle lost his lid in all that I think
Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:Cathy wrote:I need Sens outshoot and Fight to double up…what are the odds on a fight? I'm thinking not high. I feel like that obnoxious fan in League of Their Own… "slide, slide…thank you" Will have to see what they officially call it. Damn. It. All. To. Hell. #MontrealTypical
Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:Cathy wrote:I need Sens outshoot and Fight to double up…what are the odds on a fight? I'm thinking not high. I feel like that obnoxious fan in League of Their Own… "slide, slide…thank you" Will have to see what they officially call it. Damn. It. All. To. Hell.
Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:Cathy wrote:I need Sens outshoot and Fight to double up…what are the odds on a fight? I'm thinking not high. I feel like that obnoxious fan in League of Their Own… "slide, slide…thank you" Will have to see what they officially call it.
Cathy wrote:Cathy wrote:I need Sens outshoot and Fight to double up…what are the odds on a fight? I'm thinking not high. I feel like that obnoxious fan in League of Their Own… "slide, slide…thank you"
Cathy wrote:I need Sens outshoot and Fight to double up…what are the odds on a fight? I'm thinking not high.
I need Sens outshoot and Fight to double up…what are the odds on a fight? I'm thinking not high.
I feel like that obnoxious fan in League of Their Own… "slide, slide…thank you"
Will have to see what they officially call it.
Damn. It. All. To. Hell.
Stutzle lost his lid in all that I think
yes he did, a few players lost their lids.