Homer wrote:lol, I think that would have been "higher than the cross bar"
lol, I think that would have been "higher than the cross bar"
Nah, just the camera angle.
What, taking the puck off the top of the net isn't legal?
SensKat wrote:All tied up again....
All tied up again....
SensKat wrote:Russell wrote:They should have a net crashing competition. Might be hard on the goalies
Russell wrote:They should have a net crashing competition.
They should have a net crashing competition.
Might be hard on the goalies
Bring in some beer league scrubs and put them in net.
Russell wrote:SensKat wrote:Russell wrote:SensKat wrote:Russell wrote:Who is the woman behind the bench? Jenna Fischer Is she an actress? lol, yes from The OfficeYou know, ive never watched that show.
SensKat wrote:Russell wrote:SensKat wrote:Russell wrote:Who is the woman behind the bench? Jenna Fischer Is she an actress? lol, yes from The Office
Russell wrote:SensKat wrote:Russell wrote:Who is the woman behind the bench? Jenna Fischer Is she an actress?
SensKat wrote:Russell wrote:Who is the woman behind the bench? Jenna Fischer
Russell wrote:Who is the woman behind the bench?
Who is the woman behind the bench?
Jenna Fischer
Is she an actress?
lol, yes from The Office
You know, ive never watched that show.
That's ok, neither have I
Rush! maybe they'll play closer to the muff.