final card:
I had best grouping.
Homer wrote:Russell wrote:who got the game winner? Judy Garland, no picked that as a game winner.
Russell wrote:who got the game winner?
who got the game winner?
Judy Garland, no picked that as a game winner.
and her little dog, too.
My final card
well that's that.
Homer wrote:EN goal allowed and in final minute. double dab
EN goal allowed and in final minute. double dab
good point!
outshoot other team, but still lose. no dab
Goalie pulled, no dab
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:breakaway for the other team no dab again for me
SensKat wrote:breakaway for the other team
breakaway for the other team
no dab again for me
sounds like prom night.
Sens keys to success: go down by 4, then start playing.