Russell wrote:SensKat wrote:It wasn't embarrassing, that's an improvementtw s
SensKat wrote:It wasn't embarrassing, that's an improvement
It wasn't embarrassing, that's an improvement
tw s
Lol, hmmm...I’m pleading the 5th amendment on that
Kardinal wrote:Well, it was exciting.
Well, it was exciting.
Spezzial-Delivery wrote:5-1 Bruins, Krejci GWG
5-1 Bruins, Krejci GWG
Somebody got it
SensKat wrote:tjlincoln wrote:Kat what exactly did DeMelo do? Nothing. Absolutely nothing
tjlincoln wrote:Kat what exactly did DeMelo do?
Kat what exactly did DeMelo do?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing
Interference? The refs gave Boston a Goal there
senior wrote:tjlincoln wrote:Kardinal wrote:I think of Marchand as more of a ferret face than a rat face. 🐀 or 🐿
tjlincoln wrote:Kardinal wrote:I think of Marchand as more of a ferret face than a rat face. 🐀 or 🐿
Kardinal wrote:I think of Marchand as more of a ferret face than a rat face.
I think of Marchand as more of a ferret face than a rat face.
🐀 or 🐿
Get Marchand‘s grill off here!!!!!!
SensKat wrote:Hey, Sens take the lead!
Hey, Sens take the lead!