I got Senior's xmas gift:
Q:This woman is..
a:not going to finish that bottle
b:wishing she got a Zinfandel
c:finding out what bottomless means
d:going back to Labbatt50
cant wait to try this Rum!
Q:These glasses of Zinfandel are
a: almost full
b:not full enough
c:in glasses too small
d:soon to be in my belly
I want this for Christmas!
I challenge anyone to this board game!
they had me at Zinfandel!
not sure if I will like this one...it is a Zinfandel...but white
This is MY nightlight...
Cbinc wrote:perfect to cover up my Zinfandel stains when I spill it(I never waste Zinfandel)
perfect to cover up my Zinfandel stains when I spill it(I never waste Zinfandel)
I have one of these, actually. darker burgundy for heavier wines.
Needs to be scratch-and-drink.
guess what I just watched!
Zinfandel lovers go way back!